Hi J.L
Yes that was mine and it has been earning its keep. It is on its way to 3,000hrs and when it gets there I will ascess what to do with the motor ie. keep flying it/ or get a new motor.I won't be rebuilding as I think it has saved me enough money to get a newie
I have kept an accurate record since day one on both motor and air frame.Its been running onGPS since new with 50hr oil and filter changes, the compressions are so close to new it doesn't matter andI have never added oil between changes.I've been RYCO filters for a time now even they say not to, never had an issue with them and sometimes its only 10 days between oil drops, it may be different if you are on 100 hr changes , but there's quite a difference in price
The 912 is so far ahead of the 503's that it's not an issue,in fact I've had a mates 503 out in the hanger for over 6months and I walk past it every morning to get to mine and I haven't had the slightest inclanation to fly it.
The saving on fuel alone makes it a propersition, the only time it gets over 4200rpm is at take off or if it is really windy. On a calm morning 3,800-3,900 is about it and that gives8L/hr and still has an air speed over 60kts.
One of the noticable differences other than the difference in proformance is the lack of vibration, nothing cracks, undoes or falls off either on themotor or airframe and you don't have to keep turning the pins on the floats. Another thing is spark plugs (what spark plugs)clean and gap every 100hrs.
The only issues I've had with the motor is the temps or the lack of them, and that could befixed by fitting a smaller radiator and thats been addressed with the later Mk11's. Also mines been hard to start from new, sometimessneezes and blows a carby off, have had the carbies back to Floods and still the same, maybe somebody has a suggestion as to what the cause is , it idles at 2,000 and both in sync and cables adjusted equally.
I have had no airframe issues as of yet, except routine replacement of cables ect.in fact the only rivits that have worked are 2 either side of the boom above the tail wheel and that was in the first couple hundred hours andhasn't happened since
As for how hard do I work it? I find that hard to answer. I treat it as gentle as possible, I try not to land on rough ground. In the airI try not to be too radical, sometimes you just have to wait till you are out of a turn so you can get your jaw back or there are other times when you are merrily flying along and bang ,you have to look around to see if it's still all intact. But normally I use it for water runs ,usually twice a day when it's dry which is easy work, but most of the time is spent mustering and most of the time it is not too hard on the airframe,just on the mind.Some days its not uncommon to do 4-500nm and notget out of a square of more than 20x30km. Actually I do commute between our properties, about 401nm, about 6hrs usually and under 60L of fuel and best part isno landings in between. The 182 does it in about 3hrs and 150L fuel plus all the CASSA crap
Thats about all I can think of at the moment