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Jon Bown

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About Jon Bown

  • Birthday 03/12/1955


  • Aircraft
    Savannah VG
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  1. Hi what inner tube do i use for the 8.00x6 turf glide tyres and were can i find the mod to redrill the rims if i can not find a tube with the valve stem in the centre. Any info much appreciated .

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  2. Yep I agree
  3. Thanks for the info. Yes Water temp around 90 oil temp low may need to blank off oil cooler if not reach 90 in flight. Hoping just heat sink from no forward motion, also my need to check gauge.
  4. Thanks used that all good VGs on wing now just waiting for paper work to go thru RAA
  5. Doing engine runs before its first flight i have noticed that the airbox temp gauge creeps up to 39 deg at over 4500 rpm is this normal when the plane is not moving forward or is there another problem. Water temp 85 deg and oil temp 90 deg. My top cowl has an open slot in it, tried blanking off made it worse.
  6. Hi Guys Dur when i actually went and had a look at the wing instead of relying on my memory. Yes it has 4 holes in the pattern so yes very obvious how they fit. PS thanks for all the great info and Photo.
  7. Thanks will do, I looked at there web page and lots of good info, they use there own VGs that are different from what I.C.P. supply and they look more robust.
  8. Next Question, My leading edge has sets of 3 triangle set holes all along the top. Presume these are for the VGs. Savannah send me a set of VGs that have 2 lugs hope same hole spacing as holes in my wing, need to check tomorrow. Does any one have the page in there build manuel that shows the orientation of the VGs. please email to me or send photo even of the VGs on the wing my help. Thanks svemmanuel@live.com.au
  9. Hi can some one tell me what the MAC is on a 2005 vg with the new leading edge not to slats thanks trying to figure out C of G
  10. Now next question, were can I find any service bulletins and Ad's for the plane. I would like to make sure it is up to date. PS I am an ex qantas AME but a long time ago, other owner is retired LAME qantas.
  11. Thanks Peter for the Info. Does your Savannah have the jury struts.
  12. Thanks Kyle, I'm even more confused now. I think I will just leave it as it is for the time been.
  13. Hi have just purchased a 2005 VG completed but never flown, have just noticed that it does not have the jury struts on the front wing support, was this a mod or have they just left it off. Is it worth while doing the 544kg to 560kg MTOW mod. PS I am new to any forum so don't know how they work sorry if I have done this wrong. Jon
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