There is also a supreme court precedent that covers this. Whilst I don't remember all the details it goes something like "the use being incidental to the primary use/purpose of the property and therefore not requiring a permit". That also means by implication that commercial operations would not be legal without a planning permit. Also if the runway were to be sealed the use would no longer be incidential.
.....the road to some unknown destination the penny dropped. DG does not even have a shire hall, a pub or even a pub dog let alone a mayor .......
separate note to turbs, you are welcome to fly in to the Darraweit Guim regional airport to have a look at this wonderful place
.....without proper equipment. His aircraft should have been equipped with the later rapid fire machine guns like the Morris 1100, 1300, 1500, 1800, series. .....
During the later stages of my training, my instructor deliberately set me up for a dual nav. that he knew was not going to get there. The whole point of this was to see how far I would go before turning back or diverting, to teach the smart decision making process. This was very good training.
For what it's worth, I have done the Rotax course at Floods at Lilydale run by Wal. He is probably the most skilled Rotax bloke you will find and a great teacher. Well worth the time / money. The course not only covered maintenance but also overhaul. A lot to do in a couple of days but excellent training. I did the course a few years back so it may not be the same syllabus. would become obvious that removing roots with a dozer would require a rooter as distinctly different to a rootee which is more labor intensive ........