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Everything posted by CT9000

  1. Following a discussion with family the vote goes to "Chicken run" . About a repressed group locked up and facing certain death. Call them chicken but really brave and inventive to effect an aviation escape. Uses a bit of animation and from an engineering view about as convincing as "Flight of the phoenix" but the family liked it.
  2. Tabletop in NSW just near YMAY now closed, My brother used to own a farm north of the APM plantation. Over the Ettamoga pub on downwind high tension wires on aproach a bit short and a bit uphill. Total length measured 400 yards 15ft wide. Side slip down final to touch down on the flat bit then curve left around the big gum tree up hill to a big spoon drain then into the cattle yards. A one way strip that you have to pay attention to. Landed there many times in the Skyfox
  3. I look foward to the flight review because I would like to keep sharp and not develop any bad / lazy habits. I should mention that I have absolute respect for the CFI. The flight review process can be used to gain knowledge or practice in any aera that you want and does not have to follow any set formula. I have about 2500 hrs. all private flying but still feel that I can get benefit from a review.
  4. I have well over a thousand hrs. in my Skyfox and can say that it is not a good idea to three point it in a crosswind. A tail low wheeler is the best option and the runway length needed is not much different to a three pointer. I always use forward stick to keep the tail up as long as possible on roll out. What happens in the flare for a three pointer is that the wing masks the rudder and you can feel the rudder getting progressively softer as the angle gets steeper. Also if you are going to rely on the tailwheel for directional control you are going to ground loop for sure. It will unlatch right when you need it the most. Rudder is king and the landing is not complete till the billy is on. I agree with Nev that some a/c are better to 3 point and others not, some don't matter either way. I am happy flying in gusty crosswinds in the Skyfox or the CT. you just have to be awake and pay attention. Greg
  5. Engine fail in high drag low inertia such as Thruster is still not as hard to manage as engine fail in a pusher eg. Drifter because a Thruster will lower the nose anyway but a Drifter will pitch up on power loss. If you are climbing at best angle (50kt.) best rate (50kt.) best glide (50kt.) the pitch up on power loss will very quickly kill the airspeed, remembering that you are close to stall anyway, will need a rapid and positive response.
  6. I also had to fit a siren to get the wildlife off the runway. I used a burglar alarm siren from the local Jacar electronics aviation supply company. it is surface mount 12v piezo and uses very little current. I screwed it to the firewall. Use a mini toggle switch with supply from the landing light circuit.
  7. To make your Rotax quieter just add a turbo. My CTLSt 914 with constant speed Neuform prop is very quiet to the extent that my next door neighbor even commented on how little he can hear it.
  8. Some years ago at Lethbridge back when Nev was instructing there {maybee 20 yrs back} a member took off in a little single seater a bit like a small thruster for YBLT about 30 nm away in a strong wind. He returned 3/4hour later having made it all the way to Meredith about 6nm got worried about fuel and came back. we watched him turn final and I put the billy on. Water boiled tea made before he touched down. Greg
  9. Thanks Peter, I just registered. Greg.
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