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Everything posted by CT9000

  1. ......thought that he would get a Valiant panel van from the '70s.......
  2. .....assult for attacking a lesbian.....
  3. Although I don't use my auto pilot a lot it can be very helpful at times. Eg. when looking up details in ERSA, or when on a clearance to maintain alt or track etc. whilst looking for traffic or a landmark. The sensitivity for turb. is adjustable.
  4. Turbs you may have taken the " Never ending storey " just a tad too literally.
  5. Before I moved home I had a 45-50 min. drive. Now the Darraweit Guim international airport is 200m from the front porch to the hangar. Visitors welcome but ring first on 0408 103868 strip is 650m fence to fence 18/36 grass 12m wide.
  6. ......any connection to the Irish......
  7. No problems just call me 0408 103868
  8. .....shotty and also a bolt action Reuger, resting on the co-pilots seat of the roofless Mustang.......
  9. ......a full length movie about how the Honda N360z was upgraded to the ever more potent Honda 600......
  10. I can probably help with that
  11. ......still use a vertical landing, not like them whirly bird chickens that like to have a bit of foward speed......
  12. ......made up an adapter plate to fit the newly reco (painted) delco remy starter off the 350 cummins. Possibly with little effect on the W&B but upping the Drifter power some what.......
  13. .....two.....
  14. .........televisions got to do with engines ??. Plasma is old technology now, every TV I know of now uses OLED....... Special note to the broad thinking NES readers, the "T" is not for trans.
  15. ........it became evident that drifters are not meant to have the engine up front so flying these wonderful machines backwards has introduced a new set of hazards. Viz is not easy when facing where you have been. Neck braces are not cheap. The ailerons are now a differential cannard. The elevator tends not to self center very well. .........
  16. ......the fact that he was left handed.....
  17. ......he owns a place in NSW called Mudgee with his own airstrip on in called YMDG....
  18. Question without notice. What is it you speak of master when you talk of pot hole ?? , I thought that they were rabbit holes. Have I set up the steel jaws in the wrong place? Further clarification on rabbit proof fence, this is a device to slow down the bunnies to allow time to carefully place beer can down and pick up Winchester.
  19. ......load the speed camera equipment ( sorry road safety equipment ) .......
  20. ......fired up the.Morry minor with the freshly installed 14L turbo Cummins engine......
  21. .....then fell silent as it was pointed out rhat the smoking was going to be holes in the ground at the runway end fence. Even the more powerful blue head drifters would not lift off with six bums on board......
  22. ...special government price for the chips....
  23. .....idiot because Maccas is not chip and if you try it you probably won't want it.....
  24. .....it was decided that a quarter plug of jelly might be enough to blow a decent hole and stun a few bunnies so they are easier to shoot....
  25. .....front man handed out a dozen or so photo copied ASIC cards which the poor pacific islander staff who could barely read seemed happy with ......
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