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Everything posted by CT9000

  1. ......Implement a policy of not shooting the ground staff who are only employees of the Darraweit Guim lead and brass mining company......
  2. ......as he neared the Drifter and saw the propulsion system. This wonderful blend of high tech innovation consisting of two Morry minor 850 engines welded together driving a Cummins injector pump to power a hydraulic prop drive with a seven foot prop. To save shearing the boom off it was cut and placed in front of the pod in a cannard style. What could possibly go wrong ? ......
  3. ......ASIC cards, which they had some difficulty getting. Not like the trolley dolleys who got their ASIS cards just handed out....
  4. .....stop and the 14 litre Cummins engine roared into life......
  5. ......make every person vewing the famed NES that the stall speed may not be as listed in the POH.....
  6. Just to clarify for all those offended Jackoff owners. The new and improved super upmarket refined model Jackoff is modeled on a thruster T300 which has a glide ratio of i:1 on a hot day (above 60 deg c) when above bitumen if black. If conditions change the glide range will decrease. Now the new super you beaut Jackoff can better this due to the addition of the optional winglets.
  7. Small edit here Captain. The glide ratio is more like 4 point 3 to 1. and that's only in a thermal on a bloody hot day.
  8. A waypoint does not need to be an airfield. I rarely use airfields as waypoints due to the danger. It is easy to use an easily identifiable feature like a dam or town etc. At an airfield, when you think about it the inbound traffic will be looking down at the sock or for circuit traffic. The over flying traffic will probably be looking at the flight plan or tablet (map) for time / next heading etc. and nobody is really looking for traffic. Safer to not be over the top unless plenty high.
  9. As usual thanks for your input Nev.
  10. Not trying to create an argument but rolling onto the runway will shorten the required distance as will not using flap until desired lift off speed. Early backstick also increases drag.
  11. The initial acceleration of an aeroplane is slow and so uses up runway. If you start your run at right angles you can be doing say 10kt. as you line up, also start with no flap because you will accelerate better clean then pull flap- at lift off speed, then gain speed in ground effect before you start to climb. This process takes more skill but uses less distance but you would not let a low time pilot try to fly the plane out of this sort of tight spot. I am not being critical of the standard teaching method of short field but saying that with a bit more skill you can improve on it.
  12. That old teaching method of short field take off is not necessarily the best way of getting off the ground in the shortest distance.
  13. Just heard on the news that there was nothing in the tanks but air. Also a pilot witness said they heard it surging before it stopped. It was reported that when it left YBDG it was low on fuel.
  14. ......at 588kg. just for the engine did not leave a lot of gross for the rest of the airframe or pilot, not to mention fuel.......
  15. .......it does not matter any way because w&b charts do not exist for these aircraft, so loading is not an issue......
  16. ......in this instruction sheet for the start up process for the electric Drifter ; " please make the switch in the on position immediately otherwise death or serious injury may occur. Then follow the instruction for to make the start happen. This will cause motion of the attached propeller. Seat belt may help lessen injury consequence of movement. If machine fail to proceed as need start process over." ........
  17. ......charge up a bit. Ready for the long trip would require several extension leads, the heavy duty type, say 200 amps. how much do they weigh?.....
  18. .......all back away quietly whilst we are all still alive.....
  19. ......do you think we could extend the runway turning area a bit? I have possibly got a little more base fill material coming up..... note unfriendly contract notes can be dealt with.
  20. ......bring the bunnies out to look for the noise so he can run them over with his Harley 'cos of the ammo shop being closed for chrissy hols....
  21. Special post. Captain and Turbs were having too much fun on their own, so I applied a little left rudder (Avref again) .
  22. ......meanwhile all this talk of frivolity on the islands raised a thought about the outcome of inbreeding like what happened down on that larger island down south. You all know the place called Taswhatsit or something. The place where the V8 engine was invented (two heads). Any way in breeding might be a great idea to align the process involved for regulation reform, to control all those idiots wanting to fly those dangerous home made Ornithopters (avref).......
  23. .....an enquiry because a displaced threshold may make the runway non compliant..../
  24. ......'coz the old D6 belches so much smoke no one can see to escape.......
  25. .......a totally carbon neutral airport. Most of these gains in carbon credits was achieved by using the old D6 Cat to fertilize the grounds by dozing in the local greenies.........
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