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Everything posted by CT9000

  1. ......charged up by the fumes from the rotting bodies........
  2. .........maybe we need to slow down on the runway under fill a bit, decomposing bodies shrink a lot and will cause unstable levels in the runway surface. We will have to move the extras to the bunny processor plant, they won't change the taste much.......
  3. ......a notam has been issued for the Darraweit Guim regional airfield ----18 / 36 closed for resurfacing works effective 0830z to 2300z ....
  4. ......turrets for Russian tanks, we have several hundred Russian tanks with the turrets blown off. they were used for a joint venture between Ukraine and Russia to send turrets to outer space. ........
  5. The main problem with a sidevalve engine is that most of the combustion energy is expended trying to blow the head off the block rather than push the piston down the bore.
  6. ......a chicken salad to counter act the greasy burger he was about to consume.......
  7. .......he had never seen a bloke roll a smoke with ammonia nitrate and a stubbie of diesel to wash it down........
  8. ......they realized that the Morry in the picture is a later model, a 1000. The split window model is a 850 side valve. Setting a match to an 850 is cause for celebration so it now time for a drink.........
  9. .....really live without Tim Tams any longer and then spotted the pickup car which was .................wait for it....................a Nissan engined split window Morry Minor coming to greet them, very slowly of course because those old gearboxes don't rush....... gearchange.........wait .... .........
  10. ....that drew blood....
  11. .......Tim Tam jamming things ground to crumbs.......
  12. .......all on board realized that they were out of Tim Tams and now all how hope may be lost......
  13. ....wide open. Now the checklist for spinning an aircraft. 1 Full back stick so it stalls, check 2 Full throttle to keep the rotation going, check 3 Rudder into spin, check 4 Aileron opposite down going wing, check Should be ok to keep it spinning now. As everyone knows that spinning an aircraft may reduce the rate of decent a bit.....
  14. ......elevator so could no longer hold full back stick, how on earth could he keep in in a spin? .....
  15. ......coughed and spluttered before stopping dead. The unfortunate pilot having failed to manage a flight plan now worked out that the fuel endurance of 180 minuets was fairly close to three hours.......
  16. ......trying to think up a reason for selling off kero as avgas to these poor misguided motorists that were sucked into the cheap fuel price......
  17. I do not feel the least bit guilty burning up the nations precious oil reserves, after all there is no point leaving it for our kids 'cause they will probably only waste it.
  18. .......the bomb release system for the percussion mortars on the undercart of the trusty Skyfox. Then installed the interrupter from an old ww1 scout for the machine gun on the top cowl. Plan in place now to drop mortars, frighten bunnies enough to stop fornicating to allow time to strafe the area then sell off the mining rights to recover the lead. ........
  19. ........anywhere he wanted due to the combination of the tele sight and the magnum ammo.......
  20. ....even a well aimed shot from the trusty Reuger......
  21. .......suddenly appear out of a clear blue sky whilst flying in less than perfect visibility but still VMC (avref) sometimes referred to as cumulus granite.........
  22. ......and then in the meantime back at the DG farm the Reuger was loaded and in the sights were lots of cats. Not the musical entertainer type but the cute furry type required to fulfill the new contract with the Dim Sim factory. .....
  23. Could not help butting in on this one. It is not magic that makes planes fly it is money..... The bigger the faster the newer the heavier all need more money for each step up and lots of it.
  24. Hi Nev, I completely agree that the stall stick position is not an exact thing but we are on the same page here. I feel that being trained to feel the aircraft by flying in and out of a stall makes it second nature to know where you are in relation to stall irrespective of load c-g bank etc. It could be that a lot of instructors just never really got comfortable with stalls and so cannot really teach stall management well because they are a bit scared. Greg
  25. Only basic stalls taught in RA ???. Not necessarily true. The school where I learnt some 23 years ago insisted in competence and solo practice in all forms of stall except spins. An incipient spin is called a wing drop stall so is still ok in RA. On the other hand when I did my PPL a year later only stall to buffet or horn was normal with no full power on stall, no stall in a side slip, no stall in a steep turn. I still practice stalls from time to time and enjoy doing so. For what it's worth I recon that being ok with flying in and out of a stall builds memory to make sure you will never accidently stall. The other thing not often taught is that you cannot stall an aircraft without having full back stick (or near full). My experience is all aircraft have a "stall stick position" so if you don't pull back to this spot it will not stall.
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