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Everything posted by CT9000

  1. ......cares anyway, we all know that anything Rover will (a) break down and (b) the park brake will not hold so a few stones will need to be used to hold it....
  2. ......fairly clever, what fool would think that a rear end from a FC Holden would handle the torque from a falcon 250ci six. ( Bear in mind dear NES readers that a FC engine is only 138ci. ) Something a bit fishy with the engineering capability here.....
  3. .....then watched as their shares in Castrol went up.......
  4. .....the population that is all the unfairly grounded old pilots out there who are now reduced to driving Nissan engined Morry minors....
  5. ......bash everything in sight until realizing that the game was not FLOG. He had been reading backwards all these years.....
  6. .......news break alert, a close investigation has discovered that the punch tape is not really navigation decode it appears to be an IBL {initial Binary Loader} from a Honeywell 516 series computer. This may go some way to explain the problems of getting lost and also flying into TCU's. See you can't blame CASA or the BOM they didn't know there was a fault in the supply line.....
  7. .....number 4 square mouth shovel, which fitted in nicely with the suit { boiler suit } . The affore mentioned shovel was actually not gold plated but a light rust coating. The number 4 is also a good standby for terminating bunnies when the Winchester is getting low on fuel......
  8. ......are normally so clever but are stumped trying to figure out if it zero degrees in Melbourne and twice as cold in Tassie how cold is it?? ....
  9. ......very important but for the distraction of the Gordon and lake Pedder now filled in and the mountain range near Queenstown pushed into the sea, a snorkel is not required so far when Strahan has been pushed 50nm west....... side note the Strahan CTAF is now declared a MBZ {sorry CTAF R} due to the new 6000m long runway complex now being suitable for international flights
  10. .......a lawyers picnic, but clearly the stable Aussie sand is nothing like that rubbish in the northern areas. In the cold climate of the Bass ditch the sand will clump nicely hard. Certainly compact enough to land a Thruster on, even a Drifter or a Tyro......
  11. ......consider going the long way around until the new draw bridge is completed........
  12. ...... accessible as the start of filling in the ditch therefore simplifying the forced landing options for two stroke fliers travelling between Tas and the mainland......
  13. ......rules and regulations. We have very learned consultants within our ranks. Take Turbs for example with his well researched comment on the small city called Darraweit Guim in Vic north. Our chief consultant flies out of YMMB so as any thinking person would know that is in Vic so Vic will be taking over Tas and not some upstart from WA. The only small problem at the moment is that Vic needs a new chairman.......
  14. ......there was much questioning of the claims till the marketing department held a press conference to clear up any questions regarding the claims. A synopsis went as follows. "WHY DID YOU USE A VICTA 125" Because the early Victas were low compression and that was the only one we could get to start on 10:1 " WHY 10:1" Because in the interests of more accurate reporting we need to address real world situations so after sitting for a year the aromatic hydrocarbons would evaporate out leaving a mixture equivalent to 10:1 "WHY HAVE THE VICTA FLAT OUT AND THE ROTAX AT FAST IDLE" Because at 10:1 the Victa makes about 4 hp flat out and the Rotax makes that at fast idle. "WHY RUN THE ROTAX AT 80:1 ON THIS TEST" Because that is all that is needed at fast idle load. And so on the snow job sorry press conference went. See a real un biased independent well researched project........
  15. ......almost half the pollution levels of normal two stroke engines that are over fueled and using the normal 10% oil mix. These findings come from a study comparing a Victa 125 at full throttle using normal two stroke oil mixed at 10:1 and a Rotax 582 at fast idle using our product mixed at 80:1 , so as every one can see this independent un biased exhaustive study proves the environmental benefits of using our products. At only $75 per ltr. this represents very good value because $1 will be donated to our distributers for every carton of fifty ltr sold.....
  16. .......although there appears to be some resistance to the seat belt upgrade this is mandatory when operating upside down due to the fact that this operation may at times require hands on controls and therefore not hanging on may result in blade damage due to bone contact, also blood may not wash off a hot engine very easily .....
  17. ......provides a compelling reason to purchase one of the new generation hackalopters. These wonderful machines when used upside down can cut grass or trees to the normally accepted height of two inches. On top of the five thousand dollar drawing upgrade for engine options there is also the mandatory drawing upgrade for the mirror when used for grass cutting, also the mandatory seat belt drawing upgrade........
  18. ......realization hit that a Victa is a lot more powerful than the Morry engine and will give lots of yaw control. Rotax is fine but the Ford V8 flat head is just a tad heavy for good W & B unless the pilot sits in the back. Brilliant opportunity for the five thousand dollar upgrade drawings for the engine options.....
  19. .......this new Biplaopter can be purchased as a quick build kit that takes only 500 hrs to complete. All it needs is the customer to fabricate the wings, fuse. rotors, controls, mounts, etc. and supply own running gear, interior, instruments, wiring, electrics and hardware. Full detailed instruction manual included in one convenient A5 sheet. .......
  20. Captain looks like we posted together but I decided to chuck in an avref
  21. ......they proudly displayed there newest long range twin engine high speed biplane, complete with one Nissan 1200 engine for the main rotors and a morry side valve for the tail rotor. This amazing piece of modern hi-tech kit also had long range vision { a pair of no.2 glasses from the $2 shop } night lights { single AAA powered torch also from the $2 shop } and the stealth kit {ear plugs also from the $2 shop } confusion arose about is it a hackalopter or a biplane with tail rotor for yaw control ?.....
  22. But not always. I made the mistake of thinking the postal service might just work so I purchased a pair of express post envelopes to post to Caulfield and back to Darraweit Guim. Cost $15.00 to get some papers signed. Sent 9am Monday 22 Nov. arrived at Caulfield Thurs 25 and posted back a few minutes later. As of today 2 Dec still no sight of mail. I could have walked there quicker. waste of money and time, the only thing about express is my frustration. Sorry for the thread drift but roses for Aust post, more like cow droppings.
  23. .....every one feeling good as the Volvo was an old F10 model seriously overloaded struggling up even the slightest hill belching black smoke enough to cover the highway from gutter to gutter reducing vis {avref} to about 30 feet.........
  24. .....but even though a bit knocked about the suffering was still less than being hit by the bits of exploding ford 272 Y block engine. The fact is that even though it was actually a late model Customline star model 292 engine, those old Y blocks don't take kindly to super chargers. The hot oil mixed with bits of cast iron would be a bit hard on even the toughest stonefish......
  25. .......shoulder rocket launcher test program where the bullet proof vest wearers { testers } were getting progressively harder to find......
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