Funny how this all started by a radio issue that has been stumping us for a month. Along the way we’ve found and fixed quite a few other possible wiring problems. Earth wires not connected, intercom not connected, pilots headphone Jack needed replacing, no earthing on either headphone jacks, pins missing and in incorrect places on radio install, no fuse on radio. These were all on the inside of the firewall (cabin side).
They all needed fixing, or would still be possible causes of interference and noise.
Hopefully once we fix wiring and earthing issues in front of the firewall I will have a safe and functional aircraft and a radio that works.
The help and suggestions and advice that I’ve got from everyone here has been phenomenal! Everyone’s busy , but so many people have spent the time to help me get this radio issue sorted. Can’t thank you all enough!
if any of you ever fly to Mansfield, lunch is on me!