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Everything posted by shajen

  1. Blueadventures, I can get some photos organised next week, thanks
  2. Sealed, lead acid. Haha, my maint book had NOTHING in it until I bought it. Spent heaps getting all the SDs etc up to date and getting everything “right”. Taken 18 months! He had all sorts of weird stuff in the dash such as house electrical wire! Anyway, will check next time I’m over there! So glad there are people on this forum willing to give advice:))
  3. RFGuy, it’s a Gen 4 3300 engine. Battery is 18 months old, think it’s called Full River. It is the correct one for my engine.
  4. RFGuy, I’m not sure about DCDC converters. I’ll have to ask someone where to look. I bet in the end it will be something like you say, fairly simple, but wrong thing in the wrong place! will get back to you next week when I’m back there.
  5. Blue adventures, yes I have looked at it, and I think there has been more than one issue. The ferrite clamps have actually reduced some of the noise. The noise is now more that the noise from the engine overrides what I can hear at higher rpm. I’m probably not describing it very accurately.
  6. Rf guy, new regulator fitted with new engine at the same time as new radio. checked voltages yesterday, 1000rpm 14.4, runups at 2000 14.4 and 2300 about the same. All what is expected, nothing higher or spiking, and nothing below 14.
  7. Actually Tasmag, that is something my friend suggested the other day, but we forgot to do. I think you’re all on the right track now as it has to be either a shielding and/or earthing issue.. Everything, wiring, connectors, aerial, antennae, vibration has all been checked from firewall backwards. Now need to look at engine side of the firewall. The Ferrite beads helped, so hopefully some checking and adjusting of earthing points and shielding will solve this. I’m learning so much too.!
  8. No, the ignition wires aren’t shielded. Spoke to Jabiru about them and the say they have always been like that. They don’t think that should be an issue
  9. RFGuy, a question for you. Is a dc to dc converter the same as a noise suppressor? Heres where I’m up to now … I’ve sent the radio back to Trig, they suggested they would check the modulation and adjust the receiving if necessary. I’ve borrowed my friends trig radio, same issues, so we’ve fitted some ferrite beads to the radio wires and the regulator. Did actually make a difference. We also checked the VSWR and all good there. Now one person who has done a bit of avionics suggested an automotive noise suppressor, while another friend who just enjoys electronics, suggested the dc to dc converter. Would love you thoughts again please? But it does seem to be the right track. PS, I’m also going to get my hearing checked, just in case some of the issue is me! Hahaha Jenny
  10. New regulator, should be ok? we are going there on Saturday, so will check the voltages. Will also check the vibration issue you suggested. Thanks again! I will get this problem sorted out!!! Jenny
  11. RFGuy, I was referring to the connection on the aerial lead going into the radio. It just screws into the back of the brick part of the Trig radio. There isn’t any 90degrees connection. Hey, I’m learning such a lot here! Next week, or when the weather settles down, I’ll be seeing the avionics man again and will bring up your suggestions. if I’m still struggling to get this problem sorted, can I arrange for you to have a look? im considering the MGL singles for engine monitoring, but no room for another hole, so was thinking I’d get a gauge that showed RPM also and use that slot. Thoughts on this?
  12. Blueadventures, there isn't a capacitor anywhere in the dash that I can see. I will get this sorted though!!!!
  13. RFguy you would have had a great weekend at YBHI. Weather was perfect! It's a screw in antenna. Antenna is in the tail fin. I've been told that others can hear my transmissions ok. I just can't hear them when I have much power on ie over about 2200 RPM. Can start hearing again when RPM is low. Haven't tested the VSWR, but will be seeing the avionics man again next week. I can ask him to check. Next week when I'm back at Benalla I will try loosening the screws and go for a circuit, see what happens. Curious though, Why do you think it may be antenna problems? The antenna was working fine with the old radio. Apart from new radio install, I've had a new engine fitted. Have ordered ferrous thingies?? as it's been suggested that I should try fitting them onto the lead from the distributor cap. Will also check the ground plane earthing that BlueAdventures suggested. Thanks again
  14. Thanks, something else to check
  15. RFGuy, no I don’t have CHT EGT gauges so I’m pretty cautious about ground running too long
  16. Flyboy, yes new gen4, new spark plug leads, new regulator. New Trig radio with a pre-wired harness to go from Microair to trig. Antennae, jacks, ptt, intercom switch, and headsets all as before. We found that pins for mic 1 and 2 and ptt 1 and 2 were in wrong places. Really didn’t make much difference though. Took out a cheap usb plug and that stopped the noise on the ground. The radio guy I’ve been to this week found there were earth wires missing from ptt and missing earth pins in the harness. He has rewired direct now instead of using pre made harness. so now it’s great on the ground, intercom great too. We can hear everyone clearly and they can hear us. But put on power and it’s a different story! On climb out with full power, and cruise power I can no longer hear anyone. Appears they can still hear me clearly, but nothing my end. When I decrease power and speed, the slower and less power output, the better my reception is. This is where I’m up to now. So it’s not the radio, headsets, intercom or aerial. But somehow connected to power output. Next thing to look at will be spark plug leads, or ground earth on the engine?? I would hate being a avionics person, you get problems like this to sort out🙄
  17. RFGuy and BlueAdventures, have either of you heard of spark plug leads causing problems? Had a radio guy look at it last week, rewired a few things, checked everything, all seems correct. On the ground it is clear as a bell, 5x5! But when I have power on, ie over about 2000 RPM, I can’t receive, or can but not enough to decipher what is being said, very, very faint. If I pull power and speed back to about 2000rpm and speed 80 and below I can hear again. So it’s power related. My friend on the ground said he could hear me clear enough. since I have the new engine in it perhaps the new leads aren’t shielded enough? Is this a possibility? Worth looking further into it?
  18. Thanks Blueadventures, I’ll chase up the radio guy tomorrow. Interesting!
  19. No, don’t think I’ve seen anything like this . Will double check when I’m over there next. thanks
  20. Blue adventures . I’m a bit ignorant, what does a capacitor look like, where would I be likely to check?
  21. By the way, it was only ground checked in the hangar with only the master and radio turned on. And I can’t get photos because it’s over an hours drive to the hangar and Shane and I have been there so often recently to do more checks that I think Shane would go nuts if I was to go again for photos. Must have driven nearly 2000k in the last 3weeks just to check or try something else. Although I will be going later in the week.. Thinking of giving up flying, seems too hard to get help when you need it!
  22. RFGuy and Blue adventures, when I bought the radio I also bought the loom to connect from the Microair to the Trig. We’ve had the panel out perhaps 6times since then checking wiring and connections etc. We have played around with the set up menus so many times I could recite them in my sleep. it’s still got all my previous intercom, jacks etc. No one suggested I may need new intercom. I left the money for the radio guy before I took the Jab home as he wasn’t available to talk to. It’s a 1 hour flight to see him but he doesn’t seem too interested. The only suggestion from him was that he would rewire it (for about another $700) and wouldn’t use the loom. If that was needed in the first place, why does Trig sell looms to match the previous radios and recommend purchasing them? intercom is ok from both sides on the ground, but once power is up I can’t hear anything. Part of the problem is that the new Jab engine should not be ground run. They say for about 5 mins only for your runups then to take off or turn it off. And I’m very worried about flying more than a circuit without a radio. Too many others around. Thanks, Jenny
  23. Hi, I’m hoping for a bit of help sorting out some issues with my new Trig TY91. It was purchased 6 months ago but only fitted to my Jabiru last month. I’ve just had a new Gen 4 engine fitted to the aircraft so there’s been no rush to fit it. I flew it for the first time 3 weeks ago. So much static it was almost unbearable, no idea if anyone was talking to me or not. Spoke to the radio guy a few days later he said when he ground checked it all seemed ok. Haven’t wanted to take it back as it’s over an hours flight with no serviceable radio. Since then we’ve found some of the pins were in the wrong places, and that a plug in usb was causing heaps of static. But now it seems like on the ground I can transmit and receive ok, although the pilot side seems much weaker. When flying though I still can’t hear anyone from the pilots side. If I use pax radio and ppt I can hear a bit but not at higher rpm. If I slow right down I can hear others. I’ve tried 4 different headsets, everything worked with the old Microair, so shouldn’t be headsets, aerial, or even the radio as it does work on the ground with everything off. Any ideas anyone?
  24. I used to fly into Maryborough a bit. It’s a nice quiet strip. Lot of fencings been done. The friends I used to visit have now moved to St Leonard’s. I’m still to fly to Barwon Heads to visit them.
  25. Strange isn’t it? Some areas have heaps of private strips and others none. Have you been into unusual attitudes strip at Lake Eppalock? That’s an amazing place! He’s really done that well!
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