RFguy , yes it should be logical, but doesn’t seem to be. We have a hand held that Shane uses to check my radio before each flight. About 50% of the time he reads 4 to 5 on first tx. Sometimes he can’t read me at all so I’ll jiggle around headset, ppt, intercom etc and try again, usually can get it a bit better. In the air though, I’m never sure if someone’s reading me or not. There’s been times when I’ve asked several questions from other acft, no answer, and when I see them on the ground to check , they say they didn’t hear any of my tx. Another friend is often up at same time as me and he always reads 4 to 5.
shane and I have checked the earthing, looseness of screws etc, and a radio tech has fixed wiring on passenger intercom, checked radio in and out of acft and can’t find fault. So seems to be perfect sometimes. I do seem to be able to rd most transmissions ok. Still can’t understand all the Chinese ones though.
my microair radio is in a kit built 20 year old Jabiru, and part of the reasoning for upgrading. Is that I feel if I want to use Class E airspace I will need a better radio and one that can monitor 2nd frequency