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Everything posted by shajen

  1. Roscoe, she’s a SP 500. Flew beautifully on the way home, straight and balanced with a light touch on the controls. Was in no rush so cruised home 90kts.
  2. Sweetheart??? ... maybe, hadn’t thought about that. Guess can’t keep calling it “the Jab” 🤫
  3. Just wanted to let everyone know that I did end up buying this aircraft and I flew it home yesterday from Tyabb. Flies beautifully and I’m really happy with it. Thank you so very much to everyone who gave me advice and information. I was getting pretty stressed for a while there, mainly cause I really had no idea how to go about buying a second hand aircraft, what I needed to check, who to ask, everything. I took note of all the advice, had so much help. Worked out well in the end. But, knowing all these things, it’s still caveat emptor, I know I’ve been lucky this time.
  4. Ian, this isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned this but what has been achieved by having this site is truly incredible. I learn something EVERYTIME I go here! Just from reading a variety of posts I can tell others get as much from it as I do. my most recent post has had so much advice freely given. Sounds stupid, but it honestly brought tears to my eyes. one member has even gone to check out an aircraft ive been stupid enough to put money on sight unseen. I know I’m ranting on a bit but this site and the members who make it work are THE BEST. Obviously, I do tell everyone😀
  5. Yes, it is that one, obviously I agree, cause I’m buying it😀 Appreciate your confidence.
  6. Absolutely agree with you OME. and surely I can’t be the only person buying a used aircraft who doesn’t want to get burned. I admit I know very little about all this, but I’m trying to fast track my learning and ensure I don’t do anything too stupid. I’ve spoken to heaps of people, taken onboard advice given, and do believe I’m covering my bases. Unfortunately this is the worst possible year to be buying anything from interstate, so guess I’ve got to accept that I won’t see it till it arrives. Trying very hard to take off those Rose coloured glasses🤓 Yes, it would be an excellent resource to incorporate all this advice into a document so people can get an idea of best practice before they put any money down.
  7. Kiwi aviator, no, that’s something else I never thought of. thanks
  8. Roscoe, yes, first purchase. My current Jabiru was given to me locally. I know I’m lucky!!!
  9. Here’s where I’m up to ... tomorrow I intend ringing around for someone to do condition report. I will also be having someone else go for a fly with the owner. It’s not an expensive aircraft, and I’ll be happy to go thru solicitors account for the transfer. I do feel it’s all above board, but am really happy to have received all the advice here. Never having done this before I was at bit of a loss as to what to do. love that I can get independent advice here.
  10. Ok ... more to organise. I can do that! Thanks
  11. Roscoe, yes, thanks to this site, I am getting someone to check and go for a fly. He’ll check temps, and generally make sure it matches what is being advertised. The owner is organising the condition report. I feel much happier now. It’s also been suggested, if the owner insists on being paid prior to delivery, that I use a solicitor and put money in eschrow, to be released when all ok. Sounds like a plan is happening 👍
  12. THIS SITE IS AMAZING!!!! what an incredible group you all are. Ive had the offer of someone to independently check out if all legit, you know, if aircraft has wings and engine. And the advice here is spot on! Just what I really needed. Dare I say I’m getting emotional about it all! ( I am a female, it’s allowed). so thank you all😘
  13. Hi SSCBD, thanks. it’s a Jab SP 500, based at Heckfield, with a 6cyl 3300 engine. I’d be willing to pay you if this was within you scope.
  14. Thanks Skippy, that’s pretty much how I feel. Unfortunately I can’t get to Qld yet, but I have no technical knowledge anyway😀 I do feel I’m being a bit pressured. Husband definitely thinks I’m too trusting!
  15. Hi , I’m about to buy a secondhand aircraft and want to see what others do about paying for it. Im in Vic and aircraft is in QLD. I’ve paid a non refundable deposit for an aircraft I’ve not seen yet. Owner and seller seem genuine and had chats with both. Checked Facebook etc, seems legit. But he wants to be paid in full prior to delivering plane. I’ve never done that with anything I’ve bought, if you buy a car you don’t hand over balance of money until you’ve checked what you are getting. He’s also worried about how I’ll pay for it, as a transfer still might not show till next day. Bank cheques would still need to be deposited, and in theory I may cancel it on him. He doesn’t want cash either. So what do others do? Should I pay now or at least look at the plane first?
  16. 40 years ago I flew around Australia from Vic to Townsville, across to Darwin, Broome, Ailce Springs, back to Lilydale. In a Cherokee 6 with a couple of other aircraft. Was an amazing trip! We thru a tarp over the wings most places (you could do that in those days) hired a car wherever we were and saw the sights. We took around 3 weeks. Funny how I can’t remember being worried about xwind, or radio calls etc. Since starting flying again, I think about all these things and can’t really see myself doing that again. But would love to get a flying buddy and fly round Tassie. That would be awesome!!
  17. Thanks Ian
  18. Thank you, would be great.
  19. Hi, generally the site is excellent. But what has happened to the classifieds? Not that long ago there was someone asking for Jab engines, but can’t find it now? thanks
  20. Kynetons a nice little airport. Ive been a few times now to have lunch with my girlfriend. Love doing that type of thing. Hopefully in the next week or two?
  21. Thank you, just what I was looking for?
  22. Yes, I spelt it wrongly. Wondered if anyone’s been there. Two runways so must have been well used at some stage?
  23. Does anyone know anything about Jdandaboo airfield. It’s north of West Sale in the East Sale control zone Danger area. For that matter, has anyone got pointers about landing at West Sale? I want to broaden my horizons, and I have a friend lives down that way. thanks, Jenny
  24. Mike, this shows some of the internal structure. We just put old carpet for the floor.
  25. It’s from David Gill greenhouses in Bagshot, Vic. Not too far from Bendigo. And, yes, wed love the idea of visiting you at some stage, and seeing the Nynja?
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