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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Turning DW I maintain the same airspeed, Airbus to ultralights, old wives tales tends to frighten many!
  2. I’ve completed today a trip up to my mates place, 440 nm in 2.5 hrs using 84ltrs costing just under $230 bucks. It couldn’t be done in some batt powered machine and never will in my lifetime! I’ll stick to my hydrocarbon burning contraption for just the thrill and simplicity of it👍
  3. All basic info for a well trained and recurrent tested driver, trouble is few are properly trained in the first place and even less tested thoroughly during annual checks! Till licensing gets a lot harder the accidents will continue!
  4. The poor brave buggers didn’t have to worry about stalls etc too much, few lived past a few weeks of combat flying anyway!
  5. Water and electrons don’t mix, ask any early vehicle Pommy POS!😂
  6. This has been around for a while now. Looks good as computer generated graphics but so are all the other Weasley idea’s that pop up every now and then! The fuel source is often the biggest stumbling block, just like EP they have a looooong way to go to knock off petrol/diesel powered ICE’s! Oil Co”s control just about everything!
  7. You missed my point flyboy!
  8. That’s incorrect flyboy. I’ve been using Lithium batts for many years always charging with the correct multi cell charger, I’ve had 3 catch on fire! I wouldn’t fly in a batt powered plane for all the tea in China!
  9. I see the FAA have jumped these two idiots! Pulled their tickets, a blatant act of stupidity for commercial gain, the FAA had no choice👍
  10. ‘poteroo’ we’ll said 👍 I’ve always maintained that it’s too easy to get a plane drivers ticket and keep it! It’s rare to witness a full on stall landing nose high or 3 pointer in a proper aeroplane. Flying heavy metal the App speed is a disciplined figure yet in the light A/C world it’s a ‘guide’ to some and it shows! Virtually nobody lands at gross weight (accept for those that are cowboys from the get-go) which is what the stall book figures are calculated on in a lighty. Speedo errors, calibrated & indicated all play a part in what you actually read off the speedo hence 1.3 Vs is a typical App speed. Taking conditions into account touching down at min flying speed should be a common practice.
  11. They were damned lucky they didn’t collide mid-air! seems the only malfunction that day was the crashed helo driver! The stress in the still flying driver would have been increasing rapidly full knowing that it was likely his mate had taken 4 others to their deaths! Do we ever learn from these totally avoidable events? Nope, never do!😞
  12. There’s a zillion of these donks in operation world wide, if half the old wives tales here mattered there’d be busted donks littering the countryside😂 They sure are one tuff donk as many are in the abusive training environment👍
  13. Vs is the minimum flying speed in a particular configuration, with careful control inputs the plane should be able to fly anywhere you want it to go at the stall speed. Stall warnings like an aural warning go off well before the actual stall, that’s why during a normal short field (or any landing for that matter) landing the stall warning should be blaring away to produce a min ground roll.
  14. A lot of plane drivers bag Airbus, you know….plastic fantastic, not a real man’s plane etc, well when I went on the bus and drove it around for a few months I was hooked! Providing you understand the French oddities it’s a breeze to drive👍
  15. I took a plane into YMIA recently (been many years) and was surprised at the gaggle of Cessna’s etc parked on the apron off taxiway E. What a waste! Australia is just a southern state of China anyway, we would be screwed without them!
  16. I’ve always maintained that it’s too easy to get a plane drivers ticket & even easier to keep it by way of poor checking! BFR/AFR’s need to be a lot tougher and not a box ticking exercise! From the day we got our plane drivers ticket it’s been a downhill slide skill wise for many! Since retiring and driving planes (commercially) part time I’ve had the opportunity to go with a few private drivers, me shakes me head, often! ,
  17. Why look out to try and see something you can’t (the Rwy) by putting undue risk into the equation? Turn 90(+- wind allowance) initially via the DG/compass then once established on base continue with that pilot shit so many are not capable of!!
  18. Like a couple of others in here you’ll just have to wonder if I’m a pilot or not, it’s entertaining though😂😂😉👍
  19. At the end of the day……don’t stall, don’t spin, simple basic words👍
  20. Oh I luv the Ruskies driving vids, the best there is, makes the Aussie dash cam stuff look like a bunch of girls!😂
  21. At least these fools are entertaining😂 Seems like everything stupid is made in America!
  22. Somewhere down in that muck is cesspool Melb! nice day for a drive in the sky but dirty-(
  23. You can rebuild a plane from the ID plate up!👍
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