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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. On decent into cesspool Sydney from Brisbvegas this arvo! You’d need a boat to live there!
  2. Talk about an over complicated long winded story! Christ I’d hate to be that effected with that much worry!
  3. Gee I don’t think I’ll ever drive a plane again at this rate, just too risky😂😉
  4. Was a windy day😉👍😂
  5. I better amend my above comment re V1 ( before the precious in here get upset😂) V1 decision speed is reduced with a T/C component.
  6. It’s not std practice to add any T/W component to T/Off speed. Ground roll will increase and possibly a noticeable decrease in climb perf (depending on other factors) in low powered machines. V1 in transport Cat A/C is higher though.
  7. It always comes back to poor training. The plane driver said he was losing directional control, a well disciplined trained plane driver would have aborted the take off instead of yanking it off the ground, poor training. Stalling and not understanding what constitutes a stall and how to get out of it, poor training! There will always be plane drivers who think they know better, but with rigorous check flights when due (other than more box ticking during a Flight review) would show them up most times!
  8. You dress/ fly according to the mission. I keep a well stocked good ‘last resort’ survival kit in my main x country machine and basic first aid and water in my local drivers. I never wear things or shorts, strong leather boots and well fitting clothes, the later has often saved someone’s life by keeping the body secure when injured.
  9. Shame it’s not a lot harder to get a plane drivers ticket! I’ve always said it’s too easy! Too many crash/die due poor quality “tick the box” training! I hope the driver learned a very valuable lesson, and others!
  10. CH47D Chinook👍
  11. Taxied past this ugly thing today! Doesn’t win any awards for looks😂
  12. You often see an inversion layer around the cesspool cities, goes to show the crap the people in ghettos breath in! Typically 5-10K’
  13. Everything in aviation is a trade off, there’s no such thing as a free lunch😉 There’s so many variables that it’s not worth sweating the small stuff. Different story for us jet jockey’s, a 160 kt H/W hurts! Under a 100 kts the numbers aren’t significant, just fly the plane, enjoy the experience and remember the fun & challenge is just getting there👍🙂
  14. I’d like a dollar for every time a Mob Ph was used whilst in flight on my missions, was hourly sometimes! Remember those days when everyone was petrified that using yr Mob Ph would bring down a plane! I expect many will be hiding under their beds along with those ‘other’ scared sheeple😂😂
  15. CASA are heading towards making private and leisure flying of VH light planes transferring to RA, hence the recent weight increase which will flow onto 1500kg’s, covering most of the GA SE fleet! CASA see GA as a nuisance and would love to clear the skies of lighty’s!
  16. They are planning on killing off GA ( been happening g for ages!) so there’s no hurry to add a number to future allocations (which I hear they are considering, like automobile rego’s)!
  17. If you guys wanna read a short story about brakes etc re the Challenger 601 incident middle last year at YMEN that was a total stuff up search the ATSB website.
  18. There’s a zillion of these Jab thingy’s driving around, the brake setup, though primitive must work otherwise these pages would be full of accidents like this fool had! Fix the real problem, pilot training and checking, the later severely lacking!
  19. If only mankind could cohabitate instead of trying to blow each other up in bulk numbers! I hope the Chinks get it first!
  20. 9,999 times out of a 1000? And this guy’s a pilot?….😉😂😂Try talking to Auckland or Nandi Radio (HF) whilst out over the Pacific in the middle of the night in TS’s….nightmare stuff!
  21. And to think some instructor signed him off? Now that’s a worry! The amount of plane drivers out there who can’t fly to save themselves is astonishing!
  22. How do you blokes sleep at night worrying about all that crap?😉😉😉😂😂🙁
  23. I hope your Ins Co doesn’t find out you shut down the engine! That’s not a clever thing to do!
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