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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. I don’t think I’ll ever fly my planes again, it’s just too risky😉
  2. Plenty of STC’d Lyc’s & Conty’s use Mogas, only issue I have found over the years is with vapourlock, other than that Mogas is the go👍
  3. Those where scary days ‘Facty’, glad I only look out my bedroom window now when the RVR is that crook!😉
  4. Talk about sticking yr head in the jaws of the bear! That’s one dumb f**k thing to do!
  5. V1 is a decision speed only for ref to being able to stop on the remaining Rwy, (balanced field length) Vr is never calculated as less than V1. All the speeds are related to what the speedo shows, GS etc is irrelevant. Most of this stuff doesn’t apply to SE light A/C anyway.
  6. Having worked for a fuel Co for 13 years you guys would be mortified at what goes where😉 I’ve run Mogas ( all varieties) on my low HP donks and 100/130 (now 100LL) in my high HP donks, a Mr Funnel used whenever possible, never had an issue and I sleep well at night😉.
  7. I rarely warm an engine to normal in flight operating temp, life’s too short as it is👍My ride on mower goes from stone cold to flat out as does all my other garden implements of destruction. Lyc says as long as it doesn’t cough upon hitting the gas pedal it’s good to go👍 My Jab donks I do the same, once they have reliable power I hit the gas pedal👍Some lose sleep over old wives tales😂
  8. The other SA750 has been on the market for a long time, I nearly bought it but the Covid BS put paid to that, maybe even saved me! ive got a few eyebolt attach points on my machines, got me thinking now!
  9. Reminds me of AVMED, 28 days for an upgrade to my medical! Australia, worlds best practice in 3rd world standards🙁
  10. ML ATC guys from day one in ATC school learn the phrase.....“clearance not available, remain OCTA”!
  11. It’s a Jab, end of story😉😉
  12. I think you are over thinking this. For SE machines it’s irrelevant. The POH in small GA machines is all you need, it’s been like that since Noah built his first float place!😉
  13. With so much corruption in this third world nation it’s any wonder few bother taking on the criminals in charge, the Govt and their stooges know that GA is a minority group, easy pickings!
  14. Most know that GA is getting thinner by the day, corrupt councils, inept CAsA and other grubby corporate types see GA as a minority to be squashed but bled in the meantime!
  15. I’ve tried them all, Bose for me, no comparison, bought two in recent times S/H, lots come on the market as OS students finish up flying and head home, they dispose of everything they bought here. $1050 & 1100 I paid fir mine, like new👍 hearing is important, treat yr ears the way you do yr flying, seriosly ,👍
  16. Would be fun but just a novelty contraption for the wealthy and 95kg would cancel out a lot of fat Aussies😂
  17. The problem with making new designs is the lead in time from marketing getting the pre orders to the drawing board to V1. Years pass and during that time the world changes from one way of moving humans to another. A better mouse trap has been built!
  18. Diamonds are forever😉
  19. More and more corrupt grubby councils are raping theGA community, YBDG and not so long ago YSHT, both places have lost my dollars!
  20. With the cost of fuel these days any reaction donk is expensive to operate! I love turbines to drive behind, when I’m not paying for them👍
  21. Scimitar is a particular shape designed for reduced drag.
  22. DOF Reality are making motion Sims for backyard enthusiasts, YT shows some interesting stuff👍
  23. YMUR have a unique fee, $14.60 per hour! Remind me not to go there anymore!
  24. YesSim training is invaluable, shame not more are avail in Oz at the GA level. Most upsets are avoidable in the first place. Inattention, skill deficiency and too much box ticking are often the culprits! When AF447 took a swim into the Atlantic in ‘09 that shook up the industry BUT humans soon slip back into their old habits!
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