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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Found this recently, I can see some of this in GA!😂
  2. I sure as hell wouldn’t be doing unbalanced stalls etc at 2000 ft!
  3. Grubby CH7 yesterday had an article about this crash showing a Piper Seminole wrecked on the ground, any wonder we have zero trust in these clowns!🤮 The Swiss cheese model will hopefully line all the wholes up as to why three young males lives abruptly ended in a tragic way!
  4. Doesn’t look good🙁 Hope we an all learn something from this tragedy🙁 Rotax powered machine, many will be watching closely considering the extensive SB recently by BRP-Rotax.
  5. Seeking a used but serviceable ASI with marking of approx 0-140 kts, anyone?
  6. Now this is clever👍
  7. Second time this guy has lost a Jan donk, some never learn😂😉
  8. Jab donk exploded and the driver got it down via the Space Shuttle 1 arrival into Shepp AD! ….phew! Added date. Tomorrow, next week, it won't be 'today'. red750 (Mod)
  9. Doing the rounds now on the net, still funny😂
  10. Really? Wow now who’d had thought that?😂😂
  11. That was a photo of the engine in reverse thrust mode, but a hood pick up just the same😉
  12. This one has been doing the rounds of late, I’ve always over complicated jet engines, dead simple😂
  13. It’s rare to have a 3 axis A/P in a light A/C. There’s simply no need for it. TruTrack is a nice unit as is the Trio Pro, even the earlier Trio EZ3 with the seperate Alt Module is very capable, there’s no need to spend big bucks on fancy Dynon and Garmin unless you want to go full on IFR.
  14. There’s that old saying, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I drive a plane 8-9 hours some days but that’s not by choice and I’m not the only one in the pit of cocks. I do notice I’m not as alert after that amount of driving a plane, personally I’d never drive that long in a single day, I value my life more. Stay safe and ask yourself, is it really necessary and is money the driving factor?
  15. I spent 10 years in the EMS field some years ago and SPEED is a huge factor in the outcome of stupid drivers! Apart from booze/drugs graveyards are full of idiots who were speeding! I for one wish there was a speed camera on every corner to take in the $$$ and hurt the hip pockets of the stupid out there! You see how you handle watching a mother in utter distress as she finds out her son is brain dead from speeding and driving in a reckless manor, trust me you don’t ever wanna see/hear that!
  16. Plane drivers get checked on a semi regular basis, albeit most times poorly therefore slipping thru the safety net and I’m of the belief past 60 years of age car drivers should also be checked, annually. I’m well past 60 and would be happy to be checked for automobile activities as I am with my plane driving. The amount of crazy car drivers out there these days is insane! Plenty of crazy plane drivers also fly amongst us, see it too often!
  17. Whilst ADSB is an additional tool for SA it’s not the be all end all. The application/installation of so much attention getting gadgets now available these days to GA has had a negative impact as well, that’s keeping the eyes inside way too much! See and be seen using the eyeball Mk2 still works well providing everyone sharing the airspace does the right thing and remains vigilant. too many cowboys fly amongst us!
  18. RIP Mark Freedtone, out of Penfiled🙁 Stories are beginning g to build, low hour pilot, new plane (to him) and some rather lowish aggressive stunt/aerobatic flying, that combined with the type was not (if true) a smart combination!🙁
  19. Be interesting to find out if there was any ‘cowboy’ flying going on at the time!
  20. I think you missed my point, but yes little to clean IF it’s done after every flight😀
  21. What do you think LE’s mean?😂 If and I mean if (as I never leave my planes unclean) bugs are plentiful and hard to move I use water and a chux wipe followed by furniture polish, the cheapest stuff I can find. Being doing that for years on all my planes. I would use the stuff on the Bombardier Jet I drive but me thinks the owner wouldn’t be happy😂
  22. The canopies, LE’s and the belly gets a polish. Do it after every flight and there’s little to clean👍
  23. Ive used Dawn dish washing soap in the past with no I’ll effects. I no longer wash my planes, I clean with furniture polish after every flight, they never see water!
  24. 124 KIAS @ 9500’ is and 145 TAS, GS 168 = approx 23 kts T/W👍
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