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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. 4get KingAir type machines at yr age, I've got more hours on them than I care to remember & they are reserved for experienced pilots! Come back down to earth & learn at the bottom like the rest of us!
  2. I didn't say the ferry pilots where shot at! But some love to twist the story to suit!
  3. Me takes me at off to ALL war time pilots, imagine being that young, that inexperienced & being shot at!
  4. The poster doesn't make much sense, not too sure why post such a question from another country for a start! Flying schools is where to start.
  5. 'BIG' hours doesn't mean BIG experience. A typical 2-4 hr fight in some push button tube interrupted by one T/off & one Ldg, doesn't add up to much over many years. The bank runner boys used to get snapped up by the Airlines in the good 'ole days as they had thinking experience not just hour after hour feet putting to sleep experience. I knew a guy who had many 1000's of hrs instructing in the R/H seat of toy planes so his total was well beyond mine but he got passed over in one job as he couldn't fly to save himself! I guess it boils down to $$$ these days.
  6. Unfortunately that old saying applies..."the law's an ass"! When we have snivel libertarians & a weak corrupt judicial system the criminals out there enjoy protected benefits in their chosen profession!
  7. 50 hrs would seem a lot to some, would be if you had to hire a club plane etc. Hate to imagine what hire rates are these days.....Ouch!:-(
  8. COST, everything boils down to cost! Manufacturing is all but dead in this country hence less & less work in that 'making things field' Add to that a LOT more other brain dead pursuits (technology does have it's negatives) & we are now breeding 'feed lot cattle kids' ever reliant on handouts & other support! I'm glad grew up in a world were there was opportunities for the taking such as trades. It's a different world out there these days & not all for the better either!
  9. U r dead a very long time Alan (well so they say), one day whilst in yr rocking chair you may very well say I wish I made more time to fly......make it happen:-)
  10. Hi jackc. Went for a fly in my Supapup today, such a sweet plane:-) A mate has an old/new kit of the Aeropup hanging up in his hangar, we are gunna start building it shortly, I might have a few questions for you:-)

    1. jackc


      No sweat mate, fire when ready…..

      Will help where I can 🙂



    2. Flightrite


      feel up to a chat? I'll call ya

    3. jackc


      0477154745 best number…..

  11. I did read about that totally avoidable accident, one has to wonder how the pilot got a drivers license never lone a plane ticket!:-( One avoidable problem turned into another avoidable problem, tragic & so unnecessary:-(
  12. 20 hrs sure is low:-( I'd go crazy without a fix a couple of times a week:-) 100 min for me up to around 150 PA. I've not flown as much over winter as the WX in Sth Vic has been bloody awful, Covid never stopped me just the man at the BOM ordering crap WX !:-)😁
  13. That's like all clubs, a small % of drone workers keep the club going whilst the lechers feed off their work! Ive been to some clubs/fields where it's a lawn park & others are just cow paddocks!
  14. That Sapphire for sale deal has been on the market for a while now, kinda says it all about the rocky industry -(
  15. Here jackc this is a good combo if you still have yr Aeropup
  16. Ive never jumped from a plane higher than a couple of feet, that you can have all on ya own! Driving planes like most adventures is about risk, a calculated risk mostly so what one person would see as too risky another would accept the risk. I mitigate my risk/s when driving planes by having well maintained machines, (anal to a degree) suitable WX & avoid (where possible) inhospitable terrain, no longer operate at night or in IMC SE, they are my 'chute':-)
  17. My 3 x offspring where never interested in aviation growing up & whilst I was a little disappointed at the time I'm now kinda grateful as it's a very unstable commercial industry with a rocky future. TAA/ANA days at 55 they took you out in a pine box! GA has been declining for some time, money, reg's & other interests as well as fewer & fewer people see planes other than a mode of transport to the Gold Coast for a holiday! My interest (which some believe I'm not a pilot, love that😁) was due to the fact that I grew up across the paddocks of a major drome and as kids we rode our bikes over there leaving them with the car park attendant as we wandered around the GA planes unchallenged like kids in a lolly shop 🙂 Today there's no kids with their noses pressed hard up against the fence and everything is out of bounds to the curious:-( Way of the future sadly:-(
  18. There's already enuf dopey drivers out on the road suffering from fatigue (especially truckies)so having more automation would only exacerbate the situation! Autonomous man carrying flying machines is scary stuff!
  19. That's pretty good:-) I figure an hour a week at the least. There a few guys I know who barely fly from one year to another, some who own A/C. I know a bloke who used to own an R22 heli, his final annual before he sold it was $12K & he did 12 hrs that year, any wonder he sold it! Sad to see some planes rotting away outside in the elements never/rarely being flown:-(
  20. Curious as to what a typical RA driver does in a year! The current fiasco would have a big bearing on most hours for some no doubt!
  21. Many many moons ago in the 80's I was down on the Southern Vic coast line just outside of Apollo Bay (a place that's commercially stuffed now!) flying a toy R/C glider off the Mariners Lookout site (goat track access way back then) when a large wedgy came cruising on by from behind me to see what species was invading it's territory for food. We both cruised around a while but then in a blink of an eye the wedgy folded his wings & went into a dive heading my way! A few sharp turns I avoided the bird even looping but he followed (although birds don't loop too well as he kinds flicked off at the top) until he swooped past from a side attack, the glider flinched but continued on for a few seconds normally till suddenly the wing folded up! The main fuz went spiraling down towards the black berry bushes below & one wing panel fluttered away in the breeze with the wedgy following it till impact. Bird flew away obviously gloating & I spent the rest of the day trying to find what's left of the toy glider......it's still out there !:-( Some species of birds will shadow a toy plane & even swoop it, seen it many times over many years. Ive killed a few birds over the years, they sure do make a mess!
  22. unable to view the Vid, hope it was memorable:-)
  23. many 1000's of hours (some think I'm not a pilot, I love that😂) I've just crabbed & kicked it straight just prior to touchdown, heavy metal or toy planes:-) Like conventional U/C machines, some fear them & the boogey man that goes with them😂 99% of my Ldg's are on grass (if possible) regardless of the x-wind.
  24. You are starting a collection there jackc, what's next?😉
  25. at 2 kts it's a sloooooooow trip😂 At 2 kts GS I hope you ain't planning to fly beyond your own Rwy length😁
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