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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. When you drive a plane with under slung pod mounted donks you crab, I keep the same principle in basic stuff.
  2. That sadly is so true! Mr & Mrs Joe Public couldn't care less about what us rich folk do, pilots are rich & arrogant, to them! They only think about pilots when they hear our/their voices on the PA during a flight to YBCG!
  3. Been into YEDE (and most other strips of the same caliber) a few times over the years, good to see the council/community get their airfield up to spec for the EMS crowd:-)
  4. GOOGLE, you could be born yesterday & still have the same knowledge, it' ain't rocket science:-):-)
  5. Come on Jackc this guy is amusing he gets upset at everything if it's diff which is entertaining, let him rant on:-)
  6. Remember we are talking about politicians here, not known to be anything other than obstructive! Their tenure is short so decisions made now mean zip after a few years! Look at the Badgerys Creek debacle, another major drome SE of the rat race Melb is pie in the sky stuff for a very long time!
  7. The C170 was/is a classic looking machine, much improved with the lethargic Conty adding a Lyc 360, a common mood in the states:-)
  8. Christ there's some ugly planes around!
  9. That you will never know, but I love the fact that you are guessing:-)
  10. Nah sorry jackc having fun is not in their makeup, just fear & anger:-):-)
  11. That's cause they where so slow/gutless that looking fwd was pointless:-)
  12. Plenty in here are fearful & show panic in their constant posting of graphs, numbers, it's their way of handling the fear, a constant justification in their beliefs & I love it:-)
  13. People will fight back against the draconian laws, the grubby Govt will NOT oppress everyone!
  14. Your own health is the biggest asset you have. Driving a plane is dead easy any monkey can do it (trust me Ive seen 'em all!) Get healthy get flying, good luck:-)
  15. That's the tragic part of all this bullshit, the corrupt Govt use people dead or alive for their own grubby gain!
  16. The usual fearful suspects have been on here all day (sad really) but it's amusing to read though:-) Ive been out flying, might as well according to all the 'experts I ought to be dead BY NOW:-)😁
  17. Save ya breath Birdy, the usual suspects simply believe in their own fear!, love it:-)
  18. Exciting day 2day, got my discrimination letter from the grubby corrupt Fed Govt, seems they are concerned about me....cough cough😁 Now to find a frame for it, it's special:-)
  19. Jacks there's quite a few that have flown during lockdown (me included) and like they say it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission:-) Common sense sadly no longer applies, just fear & plenty of it:-)
  20. The draconian rules are like locks on doors, they are there for the honest thieves! Now that Regional Vic is about to be released from the lunatics communist jail its only a matter of time before the merry-go-round is restarted and the jail door slammed shut again! I'd hate to be in cesspool Melb these days, the convicts must be ready to riot! For now though do a Google search on Capt Graham Hood & the GreatAustralianParty, (most have probably seen it already as its doing the rounds rapidly) an interesting video that will surely upset a lot of the usual suspects:-)
  21. Most know that corruption runs rife within any Govt & it's associated authorities, remember they are all run by humans, the most cunning of all the species!
  22. Something for the fearful to ponder over! Found on another site:-)Human rights abuse & discrimination by the Govt!
  23. Anything from the corrupt Govt ABC is biased! It's the outlet the grubs rely on to create fear & panic!
  24. Speaking of ATC inviting you in which is an oxymoron for GA normally I went for a spin around Hobsons bay during lockdown a while ago & ATC called me up asking where I was going? They have no say in what I do but i responded & they offered me a touch & go at Tulla, I passed (I think they had their noses out of joint), that's the last thing I wanna do after going there more times than most have had hot meals:-) Me thinks they where just bored!:-)
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