I have to agree there Spacey, school for me was for learning about hard knocks, daily fights behind the shelter sheds, lots of wogs (which was the accepted word during the day, no harm) giving it to us whites but oddly enuf we where the best of mates outside of the school yards, hmmm...nothing academically worth remembering. Growing up in a commission area and attending the public system meant you learnt by the strap, 6 of the best pretty much every other day, then again at home. I probably deserved it anyway and as mentioned didn't do many any harm:-) At grade 6 it was time to be divided up, clever kids (which where few) went to high school, the rest of us trouble makers went to a tech school, we where the ones that failed tests regularly. I saw form D (the lowest class( for the 4 years I was in secondary school, came away with practical skills but zero smarts, the crazy thing is I retired as a jet Capt, go figure:-)
Thread drift, as already said maybe we need another thread about education, or lack of it!
I'd hate to be in the public system these days also!