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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. I have to agree there Spacey, school for me was for learning about hard knocks, daily fights behind the shelter sheds, lots of wogs (which was the accepted word during the day, no harm) giving it to us whites but oddly enuf we where the best of mates outside of the school yards, hmmm...nothing academically worth remembering. Growing up in a commission area and attending the public system meant you learnt by the strap, 6 of the best pretty much every other day, then again at home. I probably deserved it anyway and as mentioned didn't do many any harm:-) At grade 6 it was time to be divided up, clever kids (which where few) went to high school, the rest of us trouble makers went to a tech school, we where the ones that failed tests regularly. I saw form D (the lowest class( for the 4 years I was in secondary school, came away with practical skills but zero smarts, the crazy thing is I retired as a jet Capt, go figure:-) Thread drift, as already said maybe we need another thread about education, or lack of it! I'd hate to be in the public system these days also!
  2. I'll guarantee they where dobbed in, seems to be the Aussie way!
  3. I put a lot of blame of restlessness and a non desire to learn due to discipline, or lack of it! We have become a weak nation where we pander to the weak, the youth of today have little respect & know they can't be touched! Discipline at home & at school back when was administered liberally! Dad used to belt the crap out of us boys as did the head master, never did us any harm & taught respect! I feel sorry for teachers, they are in a war with no weapons!
  4. Our grubby councils are well known to knock down the little people, it's in their mantra to destroy those that rock their cushy boat & create more paperwork! Having dealt with a certain inept council during an owner builder adventure some years ago it was the worst experience I had ever come across of jobs fr the boys!
  5. Who would wanna be a teacher these days? The system is stuffed & with all this BS Covid crap they are suffering big time along with their parents trying to hold together some sort of normal life! The sooner we have another ice age the better!
  6. The airfield's not closing down (lots of development going on there as an air park)but we are talking about corrupt inefficient councils who are obstructive at every turn! It's Australia remember, a convoluted corrupt mess when it comes to Govt's etc!
  7. Good idea, A/C syndicates are generally bloody awful! Been there done that. NEVER again! Now back to work & stop goofing off there:-)
  8. I can't see the difficulty here, we have a power driven vehicle, simply as that!
  9. Haha love that:-) ALL the lunatics in charge are enjoying their power trips whilst they send numerous businesses to the wall & individuals to desperation with their oppression! It wont end here there's plenty more hurt to be handed out yet! By Xmas during lockdown No 10 (or whatever number) we may very well see far more revolt in the streets! Talk about a divided ruined nation!
  10. I remember the old 4 at YMEL in the 70-80's, you knew you where driving over the top as you could see it, was planed to be a cafe but was broken into numerous times, the old girl got taken apart I think I sold for scrap:-( Ah the good 'ole days:-)
  11. Was that the one where tickets where sold & some shifty sh1t going on behind the scenes?
  12. Its a small transportable van run by a cute chick:-) Friendly and slowly trying to build the business up but as usual our wonderful Govt are making sure that doesn't happen! Like I've mentioned it's a poorly kept airfeild with winter taking it's toll:-( It was a thriving place in the 70-80's.
  13. We've been lied to since day one! Save ya breath trying to convince the usual indoctrinated crowd here:-) The grubby clowns have been going from one cluster truck to another! The megalomaniac lunatic Andrews is the worst offender, the destroyer of hopes & dreams! Australia is being left behind whilst the rest of the world opens up, Australia is not the clever country despite the tag, its a rare thing to see these days!
  14. Just found this, a good watch:-) I loved that this so called educated boffin got called out....that's the best part:-):-)
  15. Just finished watching a broadcast on a site called "rumble" with Steve Peters doing an interview with Alan Hennessy . Can't add the link as I am unable to but search for it am sure you will find it. Warning though as it's going to upset the indoctrinated prolific posters here!:-)
  16. Whilst I don't condone their behaviour as it just costs more money & ties up our already weak corrupt judicial system their actions does show that civil unrest will be with us for a long time whilst the lunatics in charge spread the fear & tyranny! We are just another animal species and caging us will bring reprisals! The national anthem will need to be changed..."young & free" no longer applies!
  17. Mate you are wasting yr time trying to convince the afraid in here, they are prolific & locked in to the fear! Just do yr own thing as I do & wait to die which I suspect I will in another 30 years like dear old dad did!
  18. I hear it's defunct! The council slammed the door shut! She was rarely there anyway! There's one at YMEL but the airfield is in poor condition during this very wet winter.
  19. jackc that's the biggest issue, too many people actually believe the daily numbers BS! The grubby premiers aren't hurting like the people on the ground, like you say they simply don't care!
  20. People will fight/push back against the continuing tyranny, the grubby Govt/s can't control everyone like sheep! Expect a LOT more push back!
  21. I'm with you FB, no poison for me I don't want to be part of the biggest human experiment known to mankind despite those that sit atop the moral high ground & preach! Today's BS speech by the lunatic Andrews was enough to make you think we are living in war torn 1941 Germany! The ABC have become so biased they've lost me!
  22. Of course they do even if its thru the ones jabbing the guinea pigs!! What drug Co would produce an experimental drug for human guinea pigs without having a 'get out of jail' card? They would have to be crazy!
  23. The "don't push" (or words to that effect) has nothing to do with checking control surface movement by hand, not very clever never checking them at pre-flight!
  24. That one party event will give the grubby Andrews Govt plenty of fodder to keep the fear & hysteria at record levels! They'll milk it for all it's worth!
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