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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Many years ago in another life I used to work for a major Oil Co for 15 years, you wouldn't wanna know what goes on behind the scenes trust me:-) Our ICE engines will run on a variety of 'quality' fuels it's more the contamination factor that is of concern.
  2. They do self right, I've got many hrs in RV's & Ive done it, spin it, center the stick & it stops spinning, bit like I've mentioned already!
  3. true, slip of the keyboard tongue:-)
  4. Unusual attitude recovery whilst in simulated IMC (at night in the Sim) is taught but it's more upset recovery training at the heavy metal end. Like all dedicated training to achieve a level it needs to be practiced & tested/checked periodically. No one in their right mind would perform spins whilst in actual IMC. With an airfame such as an RV7 just letting go off the stick at idle power would eventually self recover given enough height and still within it's normal speed range but being totally disorientated that would take one hell of a piece of mind! With the damage the airframe experienced whilst in flight a spin alone was not the cause, perhaps a desperate violent recovery attempt from unusual attitudes was the guys last ditch attempt to save the day. Tragic & so unnecessary:-(
  5. Spats generally have more area behind the pivot line so they 'trail' & therefore designed not to weathercock.
  6. It's not over yet, there must be drivers out there driving around with a spare seat next to them, tap into those M/T seats:-) You can still fly just not on yr own:-) Power to the inner drive within all of us:-)
  7. Apart from the costs and different operating requirements it's always been difficult to design, produce & market a small GT in the 200HP range, that size powerplant is already well & truly entrenched in the industry with time proven cheap (compared to GT's) workable designs. The Allison 250 series GT's have been very successful in the low 300's to mid 400HP range but costs are way beyond most light A/C operators budget to equip or re-equip their planes/fleets. Saw just the other day replacement compressor sections for same around $50-85K! Ouch! The two biggest "ouch's" for GT's are FOD & hot starts! Ive got more hrs behind GT's than I care to remember, just glad I wasn't paying for them:-) I'd love to see a 200 HP GT and maybe I will before I hang up my flying boots (hurry up please I ain't getting any younger) but for now $$45-55K is still doable for a recip that any donkey can operate:-)
  8. The best way to improve perf is thru airframe improvements, DRAG is our enemy! You can F&ck around with the donk till the cows come home as long as it runs within it's designed parameters then look elsewhere !
  9. Paul whilst I somewhat understand your frustration there one has to remember that this is a public forum where anyone who is a member can reply. ALL threads on many forums tend to wander off on a tangent especially when there is little actual/factual info that can be added after the first few replies, see it all the time on numerous forums I visit from time to time. Like I've alluded to before if there was 'free' HP that could be extracted Mr Jab would have done it, as they say there's no such thing as a free lunch:-) I operate 8 Jab cylinders & accept the power output as final, and I sleep well at night too:-):-)😉
  10. Many people have tried to make a commercially available GT donk in the 200 gee gee range but cost & FF have always been the stumbling block otherwise the market would be flooded with such machines, be interesting to see how you manage them.
  11. Well that was 24 mins of BS that I wont get back of my life! The fear & hysteria continues on!
  12. Remember ya gotta come back too:-) I would not drive over the high terrain of Vict in winter in any light weight flying machine, one has to ask what's yr life worth?
  13. In answer to yr original question seeing as you are angry...NO! Mr Jab would have done/tried plenty of ways to gain more GeeGee's but he hasn't & for probably good reason!
  14. Bang for buck ya cant go past an RV. Occasionally you see a part built kit for sale, being all metal is an advantage.
  15. Ive watched quite a few of this guys Vids, apart from putting my feet to sleep with his monotone drawl they are interesting:-) The way I look at VG's is that if you need them to get in & out of a particular strip then ya gotta ask yourself, do I need to be operating at the high end of the risk scale? Short field Ldg's are all about energy management, most never practice them as 99% of the time as yr average GA driver has no need too.
  16. I think most have experienced turb of some level or another, goes hand in hand with aviators desire to leave the surely bounds of the Earth:-) I've had more nasty turb experiences than I care to recall from industrial green puke (someone else's all over me!) to busted bones & big $$$ to check airfarmes/engines these days I only drive my planes in fair WX & light winds, no longer do I have to perform like a circus monkey for someone else:-)
  17. You do know that a condition report is just that? NOT an airworthy report! Buyer beware as they say. I too bought an RA plane with a condition report & the LAME who issued it mentioned what I wrote above, I found numerous items that needed addressing. I perform my own work on my RA machines and most of the work on my VH machine.
  18. Remember Airshows are targeted at the general public, not so much a bunch of grumpy old men:-)
  19. Like all these weaselly idea's they flounder round like a fish out of water till its dead! At least this goose is entertaining😁
  20. When I jumped into the pool of the RA world having to do 5 hrs I just grit my teeth & did it, its a rort!
  21. Oh the corrupt Govt & grubby media will milk this for all it's worth to keep the fear & hysteria alive!
  22. Personally I believe 600kg is fine, the whole concept of AUF/RA was for basic cheaper flying. Where do you draw the line? I operate several RA machines and am happy within the limitations due being simple and cheap, if I need more I drag out my VH time machine and play within those rules:-)
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