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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. User pays, when that phrase was invented aviators where f*cked! Airfields are a public asset, just part of infrastructure of any town, if you don't land there then tuff sh1t for the council, I don't use 90% of the facilities in a town if I drive thru but they are a community provided service/facility. I used to fly into two large regional dromes in Vic, sometimes buy fuel and spend plenty of dollars in the towns, not anymore since both the councils decided to rape the aviator!
  2. Motion sickness can be brought on by a stomach bug or such other anomalies in the body, get a proper check up first then tackle the other reasons. I knew a sheila who used to drive Airbus's in my company & when it came to doing Sim sessions she was a nervous wreck, often becoming quite ill even before she got in the black box of fear, medically she was fine but mentally it was too much for her, after 1 year she quit, never flew again! Oh & she owned a 50ft yacht:-)
  3. There are a lot of afraid people in here by the looks of things which is fine as that's exactly what the grubby Govt want!:-) It's about choice so until that choice is removed from us I'll still have to endure the same ludicrous restrictions as you jabbed lot:-) I'll await more personnel attacks, seems to be the Aussie way!
  4. Something most never practice is flying at Vs inc full 360 turns using power & attitude to stay right at the stall speed which oddly enuf isn't the actual stall. Recently a fried bought an RV7 unfortunately with a training wheel (a very benign machine if you are confident) so I went with him as a safety driver, poor bugger I made him fly it at the stall speed +3 kts, he did reasonably well considering in 30 years had never been shown nor asked to do it! There in lies half the problems why cemeteries are full of stall/spin victims!
  5. Until the Jab has benefits (other than the guessing game the grubs keeping pumping out!) I won't be getting it! So far we still live in a democratic society but that's fast being eroded away! And when we do go back into lock down which is a certainty knowing our lunatics those that have had the jab will be right along side of me, that part I love:-)😁
  6. Why use full flap for every landing? I rarely do in my planes & even when I drove the heavy metal full flap was not always used. Low powered machines & high flap angles combined with poor ergonomics in most basic machines as well as very average drivers = high risk!
  7. Cessna, no longer made of course, just ask any Journo😁
  8. I wonder if one will be allowed to post here if unvaxed?😂
  9. I avoid dromes where Ldg fees are payable as much as I can, it's a rip off, always has been but hey pilots are rich so lets target them as we/they have mostly a captive market! Grubs!
  10. see my post above!
  11. The A/C wasn't stalled until the very last few seconds when it started to drop away at point of impact otherwise it would have not climbed & got there in the first place! It was no doubt very close or on the stall speed which is still a flyable speed.
  12. I keep moisture absorbent crystals in my engine compartments, no more wet engines:-) Amazing the water i collect on certain cold damp clear nights.
  13. I used to own a C150 about a 100 years ago, when being taught to drive it was told NEVER to put down 40degs flap till you where committed or not at all! The difference in stall speed and ground run is minimal between 30-40 degs.
  14. Well said! We are in serious trouble not from the virus but from the tyranny we are under!
  15. YBDV (Birdsville for the hurt) used to be a great adventure in the 70 & 80's, a true outback wilderness, now just another commercial cesspool:-( As mentioned money/greed have taken over as well as the fear of litigation!:-( Glad I had the chance to fly into there many times before it was ruined:-(
  16. One of the most ugly side effects of this con job is that it has divided the nation! Something the corrupt politicians enjoy & use it to their advantage! Everyone is entitled to an opinion but apparently not in this country!
  17. skip to 6:00 mins, the rest is a waste of film:-) I bet the farmer was impressed!:-)
  18. Where would this world be if the word 'racist' was invented? People tend to use it as a crutch! We've become such a soft society!
  19. That ATC controller was way out of place there! NO controller has the right to dictate to a commander what's the best outcome when it comes to WX avoidance, that was a disgraceful performance!
  20. I've had Toyota's & Fords (apart from a couple of old Holden's back in 70's which I wish I still had!) my entire 48 years driving, the Toyota's where worth their weight in gold as was the two Ford Falcons. Never bought a new car, must have saved myself a fortune over those years:-) The Ford Ranger is a POS, a mate who has his own mech business has made a reg income from their crap:-) As for Chinese junk? Well we'd be stuffed without China!
  21. I enjoy this guys vids but he sure is hard to understand! Lucky they got out of that unscathed! Its a high risk adventure this guy does the places he goes, he is a braver man than me:-)
  22. That's the one thing our corrupt Govt is keeping in the back of their minds all the time! They (we) can ill afford to lose that tax income, Otto's design will be with us for the life span of everyone on these pages & beyond!
  23. Kyle yr last comment says it all especially with the current lunatics at the wheel!:-(
  24. Well said. WX radar is not the magic answer! Been thru plenty of nasty hail over the years that was not expected even with a pretty colour WX RDR.
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