Nothing like a 20+ knot T/W👍
hwy Skippy let us all known when you plan to land at any drome, give us a heads up so we know where to look for you in the circuit😉😂
We’re lucky we don’t fly in the States! They are bat crazy over there! Compared to them our circuits and skies in general are M/T!
SI App’s are (whilst convenient for most) bloody dangerous when you mix commercialism in with less than ideal WX!
Rollo with a 120 HP donk that should make the pup just about perfect👍80 Hap I consider under powered, a Rotax 200 gee gee would be the sweet spot👍 Shame about the SupaPup with no plans, it’s the best little toy plane Ive flown, and I’ve flown many!
Tigers would have survived longer if it were not for grubby Virgin getting hold of them and wanting to change the fleet to Boeing, which was gunna cost a bomb! Once the BS Covid hit the last nail in the coffin was driven home!
Bonza really didn't stand a chance long term despite crossed fingers, the big players have hands in many pockets to protect their turf!🤮
Vans are still clawing their way out of the mess they created. Going forward trust will be their biggest stumbling block, many have had their fingers burnt.
I hope those that have been burnt find peace👍