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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. It's tragic that someone has died at that age BUT if he was healthy then we are ALL in serious trouble! Fear & hysteria some thrive on!
  2. Agree, they are a waste of money!
  3. KRviator ref my post #381 You are wasting your time with those convinced we are doomed!!
  4. For an engine that is "one of the worst" there's an awful lot of them!?
  5. M61A1 forget it you won't convince some, the current batch of Kool aid is very strong!? We will just sit back and wait, wait for Dan's amazing next round of draconian laws!
  6. People don't need to fear the draconian laws all the time!
  7. I'm looking forward to seeing the numbers reduce, then what? Will our wonderful caring destructive leader have a magic pill up his sleeve? This ought to be good!
  8. The shipping is more costly than the item! I just have me of these in the cockpit, around $20 and it shows pulse rate as well.?
  9. I was only asking 'type' IE Jab, Cessna etc. I'd be more concerned the owner brushed it off without a care!
  10. Out of interest Skippy what type was it?
  11. You are allowed to fly under S3 lockdown restrictions, thank Christ!
  12. It's just unfathomable that it's come to this! Wait till the middle of the 6 weeks, bet there's a rebellion on the streets!
  13. Tragic to hear the guy has left for a better place, RIP ?
  14. I recall a few tmes in the Sim (where I would ha w to 'sand bag' a session) land asap was displayed and the hurry to get on the ground was worse than the original fault! CraZy WX right now, the sun is streaming in thru the window as I watch the snow fall??
  15. Love that Piper Comment, been around as long as the Cub itself??
  16. ASAPossible has a much higher urgency attached to it where as ASAPracticable means just that, as far as practicable taking into all other considerations including the commercial aspect of the operation.
  17. If you have paid taxes in Australia you have funded CASA, they will thank you for it?
  18. Still prefer the Dixie chicks in ever sense of the word?
  19. Yeah too right! Try talking to Nadi in the middle of the night with TS's lining the horizon!
  20. HF was one of my pet hates during flying, the days wasted in class rooms filled with 'feet putting to sleep stuff' I'll never get back!
  21. NO rules 'should' be broken regardless!
  22. I do feel for those in the hospitality industry, it is a huge employer of staff! Will be interesting to see what other industries will be forced to close? Me shakes me head at this whole debarcle!?
  23. Engine manufacturers had to draw a line in the sand somewhere regarding an over temp. Engines don't just blow up 1 deg over the manufacturers set limit, turbine engines are actually very robust but it's the longevity that comes into question if multiple exceedences have occurred.
  24. You don't have to maintain any set Alt VFR due WX or terrain.
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