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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Centre sure do watch. I used to enjoy decending to meet the 9000' by 30 DME ML from the Nth many times going thru exactly 9000' with ATC saying ....confirm you can make that req??
  2. Watched a Caribou Taxi in many years ago next to where I was parked at a small drome thinking WTF he'll corner himself for sure and jam me in too! The noise was deafening! Then I noticed the rear ramp come down and a Aileen looking guy walked down the ramp tethered to the plane via his helmet (reminded me of "Close encounters of the third kind") and the big lumbering noisy bird backed up right into a tight spot! Never seen that, well I had done it a few times in the plane I was driving but that Caribou looked so ugly cumbersome!?
  3. No doubt the sheeple have cleaned the shelves out already! That will make two things that have disappeared, dunny paper & common sense!
  4. Love the style of the Sonerai's, this is my fav, would love one of these?
  5. You must have used up all the film in yr camera with that marathon trip? I've only done short trips over the last few weeks, too cold after a while although today was a little warmer but bumpy.
  6. Spot on? The constant fear & hysteria is worse than any Virus which we have no cure for despite destroying the nation!
  7. Yes a contradiction in terms to me sure!!
  8. Check this one off model out I saw for sale online. Very rare??
  9. This says it all! Always liked the Lancair for style but not wirh a tip up canopy and the 3rd wheel at the wrong end. I prefer a slider for cool factor and survivability although obvioisly not guaranteed.
  10. .....but you can't get that RV smile in a C172 in a hangar no matter how hard you try!???
  11. "Just culture" is a fancy feel good BS in the aviation industry, designed to make you feel good for being human, only trouble is the 'big stick' approach is just lying there below the surface!
  12. Better explain that to the families of the deceased Lancair pilots!
  13. Im getting another headache??
  14. Yenn standing on yr nose vertical must have been scary! No doubt ugly damage as well! Big $$$$$$!
  15. What's that old saying 'OME'? ....you can't be just a little bit pregnant?
  16. Oh that's true 'Facthunter' the fin/rudder could be destroyed but if that where the case then having any form of escape device to be used unassisted is pretty much academic as you would be U/S like the plane!
  17. Always find it amazing the yank drivers use such lazy R/T proceddures
  18. Yeah thru the main spar!? Not possible. You are inverted in a now semi crushed cabin, a small space and with a high probability of being injured badly. I've drawn a line from the spinner back to the top of the fin/rudder or the roll over bar within the cabin of my planes and it's not pretty! I accept that it's a risk to fly such machines.
  19. Conventional U/C for me, slider only. I wouldn't fly a training wheel version of a bubble canopy, personel pref only. I carry two canopy breakers.
  20. There will be lots of dead buggies that's for sure!?
  21. I wouldn't fly in any Airspace without 2way Comms, just too dangerous for my liking! Radio should be mandatory in any machine that leaves the groundM
  22. You sure would want good survival gear in that tiger country!
  23. What's the Bristol aircraft you speak of? Rather a broad statement re RAAus A/C? Do you really believe all others users should not fly their planes, 1000's of them!
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