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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. I know it's not odd but I never knew they had such a model?
  2. Looks like CASA have uped the anti on the Britell saga, getting very interesting!
  3. People feeling unwell with flu like symptoms still should have the choice to seek medical advice beyond what we normally would do this time of year. You cannot force someone to get tested!
  4. A mate if mine has what appeared to be Mylar strips painted the same as the plane that are glued on the wing ahead of the ailerons and on the tail-plane ahead of the elevators, they simply rub on the moving control surfaces, upper only, factory fitted and after 7 years and 500 hrs look like new!
  5. Lota drag from those flaps ??
  6. The biggest cause of death in accidents of any transport type is blunt force trauma. That's the force you need to reduce, if you can. I always find it amusing that A/C manufacturers quote their cabin is like a safety cage, their seats are designed to absorb 20+ G impact forces, great the seat is intake but a 6ft person is now 2 feet shorter!
  7. Noice? Don't need much clear ground to put one of those things down I'd say??
  8. Just to ease yr pain knowing such stuff shouldn't make any difference to your life, unless of course the canaries got into the cockpit distracting the flight crew and the plane crashed into your house!??
  9. Technically that's true. But like having a load of pallets on a truck sitting on a weigh bridge then one is lifted off by a fork lift just to clear the flad bed, instant less weight on the scale?
  10. The vertical aspect of any GPS (outside of high quality aviation units) is very inaccurate.
  11. Nobody can give an answer there's no base, book, list or previous comparisons from which to work from? You will have to draw from your own conclusions and gut feelings.
  12. Same here? Airlines are only retiring Jumbo's these days as they can't find 50 T of canary's, there's a shortage apparently!??
  13. That's incredible! Might as well dump the chute and crash without it, at least ya won't get tangled up in Pwr lines M?
  14. I still get a full medical with a full blood work up even though I no longer need it. It's not about being legal for me it's about being fit to fly and I wanna know what's going on inside my body before something ugly happens, if possible. The cost is peanuts compared to not catching something ugly early!
  15. Plenty of blind spots in some light A/C. Combine that with gadgets to look at and play with distracting the drivers means this event is not that unusual!
  16. Revising an old thread. Just watched SAC with Jimmy Stewart, corny but a good watch?
  17. Yeah getting old, can't deny that! !?
  18. Normal Alt's are not an issue due the CTA steps and terrain, blw 5000' quadrantal is optional, fly at the safest height. The ML VTC is the go to map. There Web Cams available for the area. Pretty quiet these days due the CV hysteria.
  19. Bet ya don't see this 'farri'?? gotta feel for the snow ski businesses in Vict. Poor buggers part of dopey Dan's destruction down here!?
  20. What a beautiful down around Melb, I was not alone up there today, the busiest I've seen/heard the R/T in a while, might be the masks on the air intakes of the many planes!??
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