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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Not sure Nev about that, me thinks more like long enough to come back as an Eagle, top of the food chain for birds and we wouldn't have to worry about CAsA!?? Finding this pix I think I'll retract that idea!?
  2. The only way you can fly a drifter in leper colony Melb would be to put a mask on the air intake, ya never know what ya gunna get down here!???
  3. Beautiful here in leper colony Melb?
  4. I thought the same?? My ex bro in-law used to have a Sonata 6 I think it was called, fun little boat?
  5. INOX is my fav spray, I use it on everything that moves, yet to see a control surface hinge fall off due lubrication of any kind? I'm a lube kinda guy, if it moves I lube it??
  6. The 'Nigger' dog name issues has surfaced again of late! Political correctness gone mad!
  7. Flown TTK around Oz, twice and got paid for it😉
  8. Always like the 310 got a few hrs in them, understand I reckon👍
  9. My machine is fitted with an audible alarm and red light warning C0 detector, best thing ever!? Also I keep in the cockpit an O2 concentration and pulse rate finger monitor. I use it on longer flights. Surprised at how one's O2 drops at 10K ft.
  10. Over the last year or so I've been dumping old mechanical stuff down the tip from my Mot Mech days, it's been such a cleansing feeling?
  11. Haste has killed as well with engine failures. Don't rush! The plane won't instantly fall out of the sky!
  12. YSSY must have moved that Rwy10 degs???
  13. There is so much funny stuff these days!?
  14. Large car parks are scary places! Observations to me show that we are an a angry society these days, it shows every day we drive on a public road!
  15. 1track your last paragraph brought back ugly memories from many years ago, the Kerang train crash with a semi at a crossing, 11 dead, plenty injured a& the driving got off! I was involved in the rescue, I'll never forget that day or the court verdict!
  16. There will always be bad drivers on the road in the air as its human nature to flout the laws! My daughter hates my driving, nearly 50 years, never owned a new car and never been booked!? I fail to see why I need to pay our grubby Govt extra $$$?
  17. Watched this recently, nothing unusual here, this event just happened to make the headlines, the arrogance would happen a LOT just doesn't go beyond the cockpit!
  18. Oh I stay away from 'The Rat' (Ballarat), dangerous area!?
  19. I actually don't believe half this guys story! He was damned lucky he didn't kill everyone, the door was the least if his issues!
  20. Best bang for buck is the RV, give it time you will soon realise that?? Gorgeous day today around Leper colony Melb once the fog and pollution cleared, felt like I was the only one up above all the fear & hysteria!?
  21. It's well recognised that a typical dial indication works better for the brain to register what it's displaying as against a 'tape' style indicator displaying numbers. Wth a dial type display your eyes/brain recognises the needle position as its actually just a position, like a familiar picture, something your brain is used to recognising where as a tape display parameter is usually just a number and when flying in a busy environment numbers take longer for the rain to compute. Take a car engine temp guage old style dial indication for Eg, for many years it sits in the same position doesn't need to display an actual number but one day it's in a different position, that's easy to detect rather than a different numerical value. I used to jump from screens to dials all the time when driving larger planes, you get used to it but the old "6 pack" was more natural for me, Old codger?
  22. ABC...Roger?? You say 'Roger' as all ATC'ers are named that, must be I hear that name all the time?
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