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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Oh I'm so glad I get in my Lyc powered machine and turn the key then fly.... The 'kiss' method has worked for longer than most here have been on the planet!?? I do the one thing that these engines love, being used!?
  2. 6-10 hrs on Spits then thrown into battle wasn't uncommon! I/we can never imagine for one minute what that would have been like for those young keen/petrified airman, to handle a high perf machine all the while being shot at!! Me takes me hat off to the few that where cut from a different cloth to the youngins these days!!?
  3. I used to use the scratch pad in the ScareBus for a clearance that was rather long winded. Like hold at xxx, depart xxx to cross yyy @ time 50 then 220kts, advise if unable! All while the head trolley dolly was pushing the call button!?
  4. Again well said? The continuous destruction of our economy by the hysteria will have far more reaching problems for everyone in the future than any incurable virus!
  5. Often wondered what Pvt drivers out there are doing hours wise? Most I know do around 50-100 hrs a years, anyone? Stunning scenery there?
  6. It reduces confusion by announcing yr call sign last. EG. ATC: turn left HDG 345' .......you say left HDG 345, Sunstate 340. If said the other way around in a very busy dynamic fluid environment confusion may be experienced. You get the directive out quickly whilst yr short term memory is active.
  7. Depending on your religeous beliefs that also applies to the Human species!?
  8. 'Twas on bookface the other day, entertaining. Imagine doing that these days with our 'soft' law makers??
  9. Wow one person has the virus in Woodend, OK lock down the Macedon Ranges shire and destroy what's left if the floundering businesses!!
  10. I actually find the Hurry more appealing, probably cause we are bombarded with the Spot at every turn and it's kinda common!?
  11. 'poteroo' stop that you are scaring the 'sheeple' out there!??
  12. Excellent I feel sorry for the 'Hurry' though, second fiddle even though the Hurry did a LOT of the fighting!
  13. I think the CHO/Dan is in cahoots with the BOM, can't fly!?
  14. The CHO won't be throwing his communist powers around without consultation with dopey Dan first and his boot lickers! The CHO is not a grubby politician! They all have to get together to work out the best way to get more sheeple involved!?
  15. Gee you guys are brave!?
  16. Won't download?
  17. If all these car engines where so good why isn't the market flooded with them.Jab, Rotax, Lyc/Conty should all in theory be going out of business???
  18. A good read? Fly long enuf and something like that happens. Airborne 10 POB in a PA31 just on rotation the lower half of the cabin door dropped down/open. I did the usual response, fly the plane, advise ATC then do a control check, all good. BUT there was a disturbing issue not mechanical related but the female pax sitting opposite the now open door was screaming louder than the two Lyc's!? Door fixed, took off again to complete the charter with 4 POB, 3 brave Pax?
  19. The guy ruined the flight/video, I was sitting on the edge of my seat listening to the beeping waiting!?
  20. I think my cat might have the virus should I shoot it like most others!??
  21. That's why I flew last time and this time? It's a choice, you either live in fear or you get on with life!?
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