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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. I wish you well in your undertakings, won't be easy as I'm sure you know, plenty of 'challenges' for you and the end user, hope you can sell enuf to make it viable?
  2. Once cheap airfares hit the skies that spelt the deathnell of coaches and the museum sadly. Went there many time for a sticky beak when I was on the job?
  3. 200 gee gee's in an Otto cycle uses around 60-70 ltrs of gas per Hr. Will be interesting to see what 200 gee gee's produced from a turbine uses? Small GA planes mostly operate blw 10K, an environment not ideal for thirsty turbines.
  4. The way I look at VG's is that if you need them in order to operate in and or out of a strip then you are living on the edge! If it's a few knots between running out of a Rwy or not then you are an accident waiting to happen! I used to drive a PA31 with VG's which gave you a greater MTOW but to me it was just an excuse to cram more in!
  5. Stall warning devices are or should be set to activate approx 5kts above the stall speed and remember the published Vs is the minimum speed at which the plane is still fully controllable. A plane with a stall speed of 50 kts should still fly at 50kts, 49 kts it's done and dusted??
  6. Mini PT6? At the end if the day it all boils down to $$$$$?
  7. It's a well known common issue with the Bing carby's on the Rotax I know of a few (inc the one I fly reg) that have been problematic and the Net is full of info about these problem child's!
  8. Super chargers cost power to make power hence you see very few in the aviation game.
  9. I've seen a few of these old 'dot' detector cards stuck on the dash that have been there a100 years! I'd never use/trust one! They ain't cheap either.
  10. Yr dead right there had a 'Janitrol' heater near knock 8 of us out in a 'Nevago' (PA31). We all felt lathargic and had headaches?
  11. Every airframe/powerplant combination has an 'ideal' Alt, going higher doesn't mean better overall. As an EG and I know it's not light A/C but the principle applies my last jet I drove before I retired had a service ceiling 51K', only ever got to 49K' as the TAS dropped off way too much and the time to climb was a negative. Most of our general GA hacks seem to be best at around 8.5K' higher than that means too much time to worry about not crashing after an eng fail??
  12. Could have been exposed to a significant H/W component also making the GS zip!? The comment 'nose bleed' is in jest, commonly used with ref to excess Alt?
  13. Like I mentioned earlier that's nose bleed territory and cold! I would loved to have seen the radar trace on that 40 kts or so??
  14. A few have tried to produce small lightweight turbines for the bottom end GA market. Other Than the RC world I don't recall seeing an end product widely used. Manufacturing costs due design and complex gearing and high end materials, CS props needed, high specific fuel consumption especially when used at the levels most GA planes operate. Engine handling is different to Mr Otto's designs and they can be ruined/destroyed easily if not handled correctly especially during the start sequence. I can see a lot of these engines (if ever produced) being fried! The old piston engine design will be with us for a very very very long time yet!?
  15. They do have a gearbox, my previous posts where tongue in cheek to the original poster of that comment? They are a good donk, some prefer the Garret of similar size power output cause they are more fuel efficient but I loved the free turbine of the Pratt, 4000 hrs I never had one hiccup on me actually 8000 hrs as they where in pairs?
  16. That's nose bleed territory & cold!? Be interesting to know what the FF was?
  17. I watch my Amp/gauge like a hawk after start and monitor it for the whole flight. An Amp gauge is a very handy instrument to have, tells you a lot.
  18. I accept the CO was a contributing factor but we will never know the full reason/story. Pilots are only human, we do f**k up sometimes!
  19. 45LPH @ 120+ kts? Gee the fuel Co's are gunna love you!??
  20. ?? Tragic. A task for the new PC24, hope the survivors make it!
  21. Oh brother!?please explain how the power turbine drives the prop at around 2000rpm??
  22. Glad that ended well. It's nerve racking being part of such activities, done that a couple of times trying to locate a lost plane or two. Hope the guy gets help he needs it!
  23. They where a pussycat engine, not popular due cost etc, the GTSIO520's where a brute!
  24. I used to operate the 'Gitso' Continental engines and they required special handling otherwise two things would happen, you either destroyed the geared engine or you where sacked!
  25. That's very true for those that have them. I have a hard wired alarm able unit fitted with test function, I would not fly without at least a portable one.
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