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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Mentally it makes for a very smooth flight that brick in the sock😉 Once turned up at my mates place flew over to check sock, what sock? Sock was jammed hard up against his north boundary fence, I wondered why I had a screaming G/S😂
  2. Not quite, the outback metal windsock tells otherwise😉
  3. Looks like a panting but apart from a little shadow and saturation adjustments this was me flying at a mates big property some months ago👍
  4. Flightrite

    Acrolite 1B

    Coming soon to the market, Acrolite 1B aerobatic design. RA rego. approx 140 TT. Single seater, 2200 Jab donk. 85 kts, 14 lph. watch this space. -)
  5. Shame the SupaPup is no longer available, that’s a great A/C and looks more like a Cub👍 w feted why you’ve been quiet Rollo, gotta luv the amount of corruption within local councils!🤮
  6. Boeing have self demonstrated of late that pilot-less planes would be suicide!
  7. The scary part about the the millionaires club (RA) is that grubby CASA would like to see ALL GA planes up to 1500 kg’s administered by RA….God ‘elp us!🤮
  8. Tech form 013 is the condition report form/s, all forms are available the RA tech manual
  9. As soon as Part 43 comes to fruition I’ll be dumping RA on all my planes like a hot potatoes! It’s a millionaire’s club now!🤮
  10. That’s been around a long time but still amusing😂
  11. Garden art?😂
  12. MAMIL remover? Oh how we wish😂😂
  13. I think it’s quite amusing despite V2 being the T/off Safety Speed VTOSS for a donk failure👍 maybe VTOSS could mean tosser at the wheel😂😂
  14. The “gun to the head” mentality is working well!🤮
  15. When are you due?😉😉
  16. I bet the toy plane driver didn’t mean to go that low!😂
  17. That foto should now apply to Boeing who are now in a world of hurt!
  18. That Holden tug crashed sometime ago (I think they only had one), fuel starvation, he walked away, plane was ok I believe.
  19. The single biggest hurdle using an odd ball engine is resale! Vans machines take a dive value wise with anything other than a Lycoming in it! Once you drive a turbojet/prop powered plane you’ll wonder why we stick to the most agricultural engine designs……..why?……. cause they work! On another note there’s a $230K RV6 (girly version) on the market, the world truly has gone nuts now Vans is in a world of hurt!
  20. Seen the latest RV listing (9) for $189K? It’s started!😂
  21. The most tragic part of this event is that it didn’t need to happen! Whilst we don’t know the full story (may never know) this does point to careless flying in a high risk environment! Imagine being remembered for taking an innocent life thru a reckless stunt? It won’t end here, there will be more, some are just destined to become statistics🙁
  22. That’s an oldie but a goody👍 You’d wanna have faith in ya driver!😂
  23. I’ve been listening to the Vans CH11 hearing in court, seems there’s $22Mill been paid by buyers awaiting their kits…..OUCH! “IF” Vans comes thru this then those with current paid or part paid orders will either have to accept the huge increase under a new agreement (like a gun to your head!)or go on to the unsecured creditors list and hope for a few pennies in the dollar! Gotta feel for those caught in this mess! 😞
  24. Sounds like a great opportunity to me…..😂
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