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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Just Re watched the Sully movie after a few years. Don't shoot me but I thought now like I did when I first saw it, terrible piece of producing as the dialogue was all over the place with so many inaccuracies? But I guess it's a Hollywood movie and designed for the uninformed!
  2. Air cooled engines especually early built units where done so for simplicity and field servicing. Air is free, simple and effective, Christ there are so many air cooled engines running around with humans onboard that you couldn't count them! Water cooled in most applications is heavier, more expensive and more complex all unesesary, just ask Mr Lycoming, he has sold one or two over the years successfully I might add!
  3. That's an oldy but a goody?
  4. Freighter so anyone spilling their coffee where stowaways!??
  5. Prelim report out in this tragic event, only what's really already known has been published, ?
  6. It's like inventing a new mouse trap, the pests are still with us after a zillion fancy types of mouse traps been invented but the good old wood Spring .50c trap does the job! Two things will always hold back new engine designs, reliability and resale, the latter often the biggest issue! Sometime ago there was an RV8 for sale (in the States) that had an oddball rotary donk in it, sat on the market for ages, finally sold for peanuts and re-engined wth a proper A/C engine, it's value would have increased instantly!
  7. Holding the appropriate ratings or not failing any checks means zip! Corruption is in ALL industries! It's clear these Neanderthals where going along for the ride! They where criminal in their behavoir!!
  8. The whole thing is nuts! I used to jump from heavy metal into RA into GA into experimental all the time, I fail to see the big deal?
  9. Have to agree. As much as plenty bag the old aero engines the Lyc especially are very reliable, 40 years of operating them I've never had an issue that's pit my life in jepardy?
  10. Had the privilege (twice) of flying in wealthy terrorists to Purnulula national park in the 90's, 'clamping' was the new tag for fancy camping? Amazing getting a personel tour thru off limits areas by an Abo guide?
  11. More like stick fiddlers! Unfathomable what transpired!
  12. I was watching Jaun's excellent comments almost cringing! I've got 1000's of hrs driving the 320 bus and just don't get how thess guys even got a drivers ticket! A kid on a Flt sim could do far better!
  13. Whilst it's general std SOP's for a sterile cockpit below 10K' I never observed it once in all the years I drove multi crew ABV 10K'! We humans can't help ourselves!?
  14. Plenty of shonky operators out there! Asia, the Pacific Islands etc years ago where corrupt as! I had to carry around $US10K ( Green backs talks all languages!) in a brief case to bribe everybody from the refuelers & their many cousins, the ATC guys, the handling agents even a guy who operates the Rwy lights at some Island dromes!
  15. I'm getting itchy feet again??
  16. Must have been a heavy R/C plane that one!??
  17. .......and this is news? It's well known in the industry but as usual nothing gets done until the horse has bolted! Anyone flying heavy metal long enough would already know such things, I've seen it first hand!
  18. Sad to see but inevitable? When I was last in YBAS (Alice Springs?) around a year ago the surplus machines where gathering then.
  19. Mine went up a few $$$ this year, I think it was across the board. My two airframes combined $140K 3G's. I can only fly one at a time so insurance is cheaper. I don't have any other pilots on my policy as I never let anyone fly my rides so that helps with premiums.
  20. Well said but save your breath, it's wasted on some!?
  21. There's already a thread about the SkyGods.
  22. Ditto, been there done that! Retrenched means sack everybody, start up a new shelf Co & hire the weaklings, that's exactly what the Co did!
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