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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Kitchen is not big enuf, gotta keep the minister for agro happy😂😂
  2. I see a Chinese Co (or other opportunist) taking this joint on. Vans have shot themselves in the foot!
  3. This boils down to more profits for less work! Vans have put a forever dent in their reputation!
  4. If it shows decent reliability and is a compatible price then they’ll sell like hot cakes!
  5. I maintain a class one, it’s a pita but necessary if I want to see the curvature of the Earth every now and then!
  6. Got plenty of people sucked in with this fotoshop😂
  7. Australia should be at the forefront of this as we are a 3rd world nation with a 1st world facade on so many fronts!
  8. That’s an oldy but a goody, and so true👍😉👨‍✈️
  9. The ingredients for a disaster cake are: single pilot, high pressure commercial operation, multiple distractions at critical times & complex flying machines…..add ingredients slowly and wait…..another cake will form one day, guaranteed! It’s human nature to er and there’s nothing you can do to eliminate it!
  10. Id be sniffing around Sonex forums, not so much here. At the end of the day it’s just another plane. I own 4 diff types, (and drive high perf jets to bug smasher's) I simply adapt, pilots are meant to be be able to do that, don’t over think it!
  11. If it ain't broke don’t fix it! We fiddle way too much with these engines!
  12. At $85 bucks I’ll stick to the simplest design known to mankind, jiggle syphon👍
  13. CAsA have been riding the guys something fierce! To be expected I guess with a few competitors in the background watching g VERY closely!
  14. Remember Bonza’s A/C are leased (from a major shareholder) so they got a very good deal to promote them and help grubby Boeing get some some trust back! This deal will allow Bonza to kick off with low operating costs, airframe wise. They will still operate in the same airspace under the same restrictions etc as the other grubs so their real ace in the whole is cheap new planes👍 I know several Check & Training guys who are onboard, sounds promising 👍Fingers crossed.
  15. I hate flying as self loading freight, the worst experience, from the rip off prices to the late/cancelation of flights, it’s an ugly industry the Airline business and I’m glad I’m out of now! Bonza should do well initially (I hope they do) like anything new, the grubs at the top end will do whatever they can to keep them from getting ahead!
  16. There would have been plenty of sculldugery going on behind the scenes with a ‘go slow’ arrangement in place for Bonza to get their HC AOC! Remember CASA are run by people (term used closely!) who have opinions, can be influenced and have friends in high places in other Airlines, not all cops are squeaky clean so to speak! Personally I hope they do well! Most of the general public wouldn’t know a Boeing from a Cessna, so the Max will just ply the friendly skies like the rest of the bogan carriers! With the high cost of tickets these days that the grubby Airlines are revelling in any newbie only has to weather a year or so of losing $$$by way of cheap fares and they’ll have customers lining up around the corner to get a cheap ticket forever!……remember Aussies love a bargain regardless of whether they need it or not😂
  17. I’ve done hundreds of joy rides in twins a hundred years ago, most times I had to endure a pax in the other control seat, absolute PITA most were. You can’t always control them, they’re excited mostly and don’t understand the potentially dangerous situation they are in! I’ve had them bath me in their lunch, had flashes go off right in my face (night Ops), grab me cause they were sh1t scared! Whirly Gig drivers would have to endure this many times a day in at times a very demanding environment flying a far more complex machine than some basic 10 seat twin!
  18. Whirly Gig drivers rarely do circuits like us plank drivers, there’s no need to. I’m still going with miss comms & pax distractions are the root cause, as well as the old commercial pressures, ever present where big bucks can be had!
  19. I do NOT involve pax in any flight decisions, they are more a hinderance than being helpful and could actually be the reason you F…up!
  20. The opposition doing the same trip😂
  21. Could be right there, it is French afterall😉
  22. Wonder why the heli driver was in the L/H seat? Distraction will play the biggest part in this tragedy. I know what it’s like, tourists whilst are clueless are a big piece of the Swiss cheese in such events. The surviving driver must be in a very bad space right now!
  23. The people at Jab must hate this, oh no, not another one!😉Every Jab out there is free advertising for the Co (as they all are) and social media is a cruel enemy😂
  24. That about sums it up, personal choice, well said👍 The same here, but for me I’d never go flying in a Jab unless I was in command, I value my life a LOT👍
  25. At the end of the day it’s just another Jab engine failure, they are well known for that and there will be more (as long as they’re not mine😉) The guys lived to tell the story, that’s the main thing, the rest will just go into the stat books!
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