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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Risky environment especially this time of year! Awful start to the year, but there will be more sadly, RIP🙁
  2. Ouch! Low inertia, Jabs seem to protect the occupants well when the engines fail, just as well! Good to see the guys didn’t become statistics.
  3. Went for a drive over a recreational lake in central Vic yesterday, so many hoons on jet skies and stink boats I felt sorry for the fisher-persons (gotta be politically correct in this weak society!) who were battling constant swells! Hoons are prevalent in every form of transport!
  4. Christ all we want do is put gas in a tank that’s above our head height. I use a 10L jerry placed on the wing with one of those cheap and nasty D battery powered spike pumps from Ebay, a back up jiggle syphon does just as well, jobs done. I’m getting g a headache reading all this mumbo jumbo😂
  5. Buy a low wing, easy fix😂😉
  6. ONe has to wonder what drugs some of these so called A/C designers are/were on at the time of pen to paper, flying hallucinations😂
  7. Saw this photo just yesterday, can’t re all where though? Read only one was made and it landed gear up….that was that! F5F
  8. Doesn’t get any uglier than that freak of a machine!😂
  9. Good job our A/C engines are of an agricultural design and would run on chook poo if ya could get it in there😂 I worked for Mobil for many years whilst building hours, good job the general public have no idea what goes on in the industry.😉
  10. Both the two major manufacturers told ‘fairytales’ to assist in getting their product ahead of the opposition. Both types had their drawbacks. Beech, the other big player had some attributes as well, I drove quite a few of their models and the same ‘tank’ like feel was evident in them all. At the end of the day they are all commercial businesses and oh boy there would have been plenty of artistic licence handed out to sell theirs😂😂
  11. Every A/C is a trade off. Mission specific is the biggest consideration (after budget purchase price) and no one size fits all. The RV range I consider best bang for buck these days, the RV12 would cover a lot of most peoples missions. Jabs are popular (for the life of me can’t see why!) and there’s always numerous for sale at any one time. But in answer to your original Q, no, the old rusty clunker PA series are in a world of their own👍
  12. So many don’t understand VNE!
  13. Today. If you could get a C172 up at this Alt you’d end up going backwards😂
  14. Nice day for a crz in one of my RA toys, we’ll, maybe a little stretch of the imagination😉
  15. Now that’s one way to ugly up a great looking plane!😂During a scramble I can see the airfield littered with splintered plywood, making A/C still taking off dodging the rubbish😂
  16. I don’t know how I/we ever survived 40-50 years ago when the skies were very busy and GA was booming! Too many gadgets these days for VFR drivers getting distracted! KISS still works!
  17. I’ve taken the jet I drive to 49K, thought that was special but 70K is almost out of this world😉
  18. There’s bucket loads of info re this subject on the net but watching a vid of the U2 spy plane recently the cockpit camera showed an IAS 110 kts at 70000’👍
  19. None of the big stuff I drove the CMD’er was able to confirm the door was closed! That was the trolley Dollie’s job😉
  20. Being nervous is a good thing, kinda keeps you on your toes. whether you stay at the bottom of the ladder flying a bug smasher getting checked every couple of years or you get to the top in CMD of heavy metal getting g checked often, it’s all the same, a human flying a basic flying machine or a human flying a complex machine with a couple of hundred boguns in the back, flying is a skill, takes practice and constant assessment 👍
  21. Used to judge your flair height😂
  22. A real man’s cockpit there, they don't make ‘em like that anymore, pilots included👍
  23. It’s actually called the ‘box office’ when two shielers are at the controls, scary stuff😂😂😉
  24. Scheduled flight only on calm days😂 At least this fairytale stuff is entertaining 😂🛩
  25. There’s no difference between the two in some ways, both were designed to kill!
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