During my last flight I saw the Ruskies take near 2 miles to haul this puppy into the sky in China, the land of fear!😂
YLRE sure was busy, old foggies in bus tours crawling all over the old dusty hardware!
The hysteria (cunning marketing)of the lead up to this launch and the cult following Vans have was the big driving force, I mean the design is as old as Noah😉👍 I expect they’ll be fun off their feet initially😂
Slots in pairs cost huge bucks in place like Heathrow! They are often traded between Airlines. Syd is constrained by the BS whingers around the drome! Inefficiency is something g Australia is good at!
Good update👍 At least it wasn’t a radical design, all they have to do now is fine tune it so the hungry Vans follower wolves can be fed a diet of metal and rivets👍😉They’ll sell like hotcakes👍
Oh it will cost more than the Crown Jewels this new baby!
they’ll sell zillions, the hysteria and colt following that follows Vans is out of control!😂I see it’s mostly a pop rivet job, probably a good idea👍
Ive done some driving in NZ over those hills (as per my pic y)in heavy metal and the scenery is spectacular, but what’s more amazing is you did it in a Jab, me takes me hat off to ya😉
In certain ‘flavoured’ areas around cesspool Melb it’s unwise to leave yourself venerable! Got right royally car raged once by the flavoured vermin who feature all too often on the news for violent behaviour! I only went to this dangerous suburb to collect an item for a mate but got targeted as I hoped back into my car! Was bloody scary!
That’s also a good story other can learn from. Your instructor is the one who puts a candidate up for test meaning you are ready, that’s not always the case.