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Everything posted by Flightrite

  1. Good story 👍 IFR flying is often easier from a procedural POV, providing you know your stuff and your ride. Plenty of Pilots from the bug smashers to heavy metal have stuffed up whilst taxying and even taking off in the wrong direction! An Arabian A320 took off the wrong way once! (YT vid on that stuff up!) we learn by our mistakes, just make sure they’re not permanent!
  2. That’s quite an informative vid for the novice out there👍 If you are flying an airliner with just the RAT then trust me you are having a very bad day😂
  3. Nah it was bloody freezing’😂
  4. Two crew are better? Truck me! There’s more dead bodies in cemeteries from so called well trained two crew driven planes than any other arrangements! Accidents happen, it’s human nature and it will continue to happen as long as the species remains alive & connected with machines (which won’t be long if the Grubby Greens get their way!)
  5. Today I was challenged not to thump some fool with 3 kids all under 5! having landed at a country drome for a coffee I taxied in and saw a woman of a flavoured nature (can’t say nationality as too many precious fools would get offended! But “ cowboys &……”s”, you know the rest!) walking around the taxiway in and around other A/C with lose kids, had to taxi across some ruff grass to avoid the fools! Once parked I walked over to the coffee van. Ordered then turned around to see said flavoured fool lifting 2 flavoured rug rats into my plane (door was open secured under the high wing), I started to walk over and noticed the controls bring violently moved! The other rug rat standing outside was swinging on the rudder! By the time I got back the kids were out of the plane and mum was gathering up the external control surface tester and walking off! I yelled out, ask before you touch, she ignored me and continued walking off! Inside the plane I had wet dirty shoe prints on my sheep skin covered seat and most switches in the incorrect position! Would you be happy? unbelievable! Wonder how said moron would have acted had I dumped a young child in her open top convertible parked on the side of the road?….grrrrrrr
  6. Simple pilot error, too many make a big fiasco out of it! Humans make mistakes, nothing new here and un-fixable!!
  7. Many years ago it was a circus at YMML watching the guys trying to get a stuck B727 freighter sunk on soft ground back to terra firma, took ‘em all day using anything they could find to stuff under the mains, was very amusing😂
  8. Amazing what the human brain can come up with regarding an ugly flying machine!😂
  9. Ok you gurus who have no life, just came across this ugly thing, what is it! Got a Wildcat type U/C, I have no idea?
  10. I bet their tent at EAA this year will have a well worn track leading to the RV15 inquires🙂 The price of this delivered here will be ugly I’m sure! I think with a stylish paint job, some spats on Std wheels like the C180’s used to have would make it very appealing👍 Most people driving these types of planes in Oz rarely have a need for the large tundra type tires, it’s more a ‘look at me’ thingy😉
  11. It’s a hassle being in that other communist country to the west of Australia! 😉If it were close I’d take a look.
  12. That’s very true facty. Saw it so many times over many years driving heavy metal! Sim sessions were at times, a real eye opener!
  13. Like I said nothing new, same old same old but the hysteria will make it a success 👍
  14. The general public would be mortified if they knew what really went on in the cockpit sometimes, humans will always be humans, not machines!
  15. Finally the latest addition to Mr Vans line-up, the 15, pictures are floating around the varies forums already. Nothing new design wise but will be interesting to see how much interest comes from it, initially lots I’d say mainly due the cult following Vans has👍
  16. Tragically it boils down to Pilot error. Being highly Experienced, at times, works against us, many hours doesn't insulate us from mistakes. At least for a little while this event stays in our minds and may save someone else, but it will happen again, sadly🙁
  17. At the end of the day the avoidable tragic event was pilot error, a rookie pilot error, which makes it even more tragic considering the guys experience!
  18. Thanks for that info, sent that on to my mate as well as well. 560 kg (not 540 like I mentioned) is the weight shown on Wiki. looks comfy and fast. The way fuel prices are going these types will become very popular👍
  19. Great thanks for that info, I’ve screen shot that and sent it on👍 540 kg MTOW seems low? I read that on their site, I think? Not sure if they have a600 kg version?
  20. Like pilots rely on engineers to do their job properly they in turn rely on pilots to do likewise, obviously not in this case!
  21. Anyone in here own and operate the above A/C? A mate who is not a member here was thinking he’d like to have a closer look at one if on Victoria with a view to buying one? I notice a couple on the market, been there quite a while, maybe not popular?
  22. The most tragic part is that it was totally avoidable🙁We’ll never know obviously but I’m surprised he didn’t pull the power right back once he would have known the A/C was uncontrollable? That’s odd! There’s so many things here that don’t add up? This sort of event will happen again someday, guaranteed!
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