Today I was challenged not to thump some fool with 3 kids all under 5!
having landed at a country drome for a coffee I taxied in and saw a woman of a flavoured nature (can’t say nationality as too many precious fools would get offended! But “ cowboys &……”s”, you know the rest!) walking around the taxiway in and around other A/C with lose kids, had to taxi across some ruff grass to avoid the fools! Once parked I walked over to the coffee van. Ordered then turned around to see said flavoured fool lifting 2 flavoured rug rats into my plane (door was open secured under the high wing), I started to walk over and noticed the controls bring violently moved! The other rug rat standing outside was swinging on the rudder! By the time I got back the kids were out of the plane and mum was gathering up the external control surface tester and walking off! I yelled out, ask before you touch, she ignored me and continued walking off! Inside the plane I had wet dirty shoe prints on my sheep skin covered seat and most switches in the incorrect position!
Would you be happy?
unbelievable! Wonder how said moron would have acted had I dumped a young child in her open top convertible parked on the side of the road?….grrrrrrr