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Bell Driver

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About Bell Driver

  • Birthday 10/08/1943


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    Savannah VG
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  1. Supply chain woes have contributed to our continued use of the wood prop on our Jab 2200 powered Savannah VG. Recent check of the prop bolts showed retorque required--we're replaceing bolts. Suggest wood prop users confirm proper torque. Careful inspection is warranted.
  2. Though still researching, Sensenich ground adjustable for Jab 2200 is front runner.
  3. Thanks for the link. Agree that it suggests larger diameter pitched fine. Helpful! Noted that max RPM is shown as 3100 and Max Gross weight is 450kg.
  4. True, weight would be tight--wallet would be much lighter though😋 Really hoping Jabiru soldiers on so no engine change has to be considered.
  5. Presently using a wood 60X40 (from previous owner). Climb RPM 2900 (confirmed by Tiny Tach) Rate < 500fpm at sea level with weight at 1080 (have the increased gross wt. 1234 mod.) Don't presently have an accurate full throttle, level flight number. What performance are Jab 2200 operators getting. Climb rates of particular interest.
  6. Excellent suggestion. Love to hear from Jabiru 2200 powered Savannah VG owners. What prop are you running?
  7. Looking forward to Eprop release for direct drive engines. Appreciate all comments and suggestions while I'm exploring this.
  8. I'd love to have another 15-20 hp (or more), but Jabiru 2200 is running well and problem free, so just looking to get the best possible performance possible from it-recognizing its limitations. If I were to change engines, the Viking 130 would probably be the frontrunner. Outstanding performance in Zenith 701.
  9. Thank you for the reminder. Great website!
  10. About to go prop shopping. Savannah VG with Jabiru 2200. I'd appreciate members suggestions--what are your favorites? My bias is toward climb performance. 2 or 3 blade? Ground adjustable? If not, size and pitch.
  11. Aside from cost, I think MGL (Blaze Series) may be the one for us . Easy read, and lots of info./options. Thanks for the thoughts and ideas. Now looking in the sock drawer for money.
  12. Last couple short flights, our prototype panel had just airspeed and oil pressure. So a good bit of sorting left . The MGL instruments look really woth considering, though as an old guy, would take some getting used to. Nev thinks the way we do. Previous owner had her loaded up--we want simple.
  13. Thanks to all.
  14. Completing Savannah VG restoration. I'd like recommendations for temperature monitoring. Digital or analog? How extensive-- all cylinder CHT and EGT or just CHT on the rear 2 cylinders. Want simple as possible, but not simpler.
  15. Thanks to all for the valuable info./comments! Agree that Rotax is an example of liquid- cooling success. Still, prefer slower turning, direct drive engines. Our project will remain air-cooled, and as simple as possible. I may be influenced by long term affection for old Triumph motorcycles (and now the Royal Enfield 650 Interceptor). Would a remote oil tank, i.e. increased oil capacity, be worth considering ? Is monitoring two rear cylinders cht adequate, or do we need monitoring of all 4, and egt as well?
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