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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Obvious they are the original pistons, I think they might have had geared props? The augmenter tubes were very noisy.
  2. German engineers knew a thing or two.
  3. Unfortunately no aircraft nor the likelihood of being able to afford any 😕I'll just have to learn flying somebody else's 😁
  4. I'm sure I could talk you into a fly in a 150 Captain Gazza......😜
  5. Didn't watch the vid, internet too slow. I'm sure this has been covered here before. I am very hesitant of ditching, I do work in some remote areas with quite a bit of water, maybe 50%. I would always go for the timber, the water here is usually below 10C. Combine that with an inverted aircraft and maybe some injuries and cockpit egress difficultly because of impact damage and it narrows your chances considerably.
  6. The old canvas one was good. Now there are 20 pages of guff with 3 pages left intentionally blank. I've lost count of how many times the licence has changed (along with the simplification of regs by increasing the word count 10X) over the last 40 years. The licence still has no equivalence to Euro or Yank and is a waste of paper and resources. I still get my checks signed and entered into my logbook (like the olden days) as well as the loosable loose leaf one that the checker/instructor/chief pilot (or mofo or whatever their called) takes a copy of and submits that to CASA to keep another 40 people employed in licencing.
  7. Always admired the Hurricane, would like a go in one.
  8. Space junk? Need to see what the make up of the metal is to get a better idea?
  9. Good luck getting an answer, they will refer you to some reg or other and you will have to sort through 9000 pages of legalese. I have never got a straight answer from CASA.
  10. Aircraft, they are aircraft.....................plane is what you shave wood with 😁
  11. Just had a look at the survey, first they want your name............. Previous experience with this body makes one VERY careful about putting your name on anything to do with CASA.
  12. The biggest percentage of losses was due to training/operational accidents, the Yanks seemed worse than other Air forces
  13. Agreed....... Know your aircraft and it's foibles at slow speed.
  14. Good luck if you can find anything to do with CASA that smells of roses, the stench of stifling over regulation, the stink of pilot persecution. No smell of roses......
  15. Rotary as in Clerget or Le Rhone? 😁
  16. To save me sitting through 40 minutes of monotone, why wasn't it? From what perspective was it reported on? Thanks Captain Gazza 😁
  17. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cb-CF3UoeiH/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Here is some skilful minimum flying
  18. It's an indicator of how GA has been treated, nobody gives a sh!t. Federal gov not interested, rich people vote libs anyway and they can afford to fly their rich. CASA being the biggest impediment to flying, you have to be a lawyer to read anything they release. They are actively discouraging aviation, I don't know how people maintain an AOC these days.
  19. Single seat Thruster for a tiny percentage of the price and you have some "Real" flying. Seems flying is way out of reach of ordinary folk who are flat out paying for food/rent let alone $3 a litre for avgas, $75 landing fees AND hundreds of thousands of dollars for an aircraft! There are still ways https://www.facebook.com/544160029/videos/780906566216285/ Back to basics, flying for flying sake. No glass dash needed.
  20. You can see the curvature of the earth!
  21. Yes, very expensive fashion statement.
  22. A PT6-67F develops 1700 shp, most 802 Air Tractors are now fitted with them. Mkes. Huge difference off a short airstrip.
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