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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. To travel coastal past Coffs you still need a clearance. They used to be very hesitant to issue clearance coastal, if there was any traffic within a bulls roar they would deny. I have even been given a verbal bollicking for landing long at Coffs. I landed long into the North to avoid taxing, They preferred I landed on the piano keys and spent the next 15 minutes taxing back in the hot sun. The easiest way to transit Coffs is wait till the tower shuts down.
  2. Yes he did a lot of things he shouldn't, fact remains if he was let through some quiet airspace at the higher level he would not have flown into the ground. The airspace around Coffs/Tamworth/Williamtown is very safe when you don't let people through, plan or no plan.
  3. There will not be any general aviation in Australia shortly. CASA, controlled airspace and local councils greed are all working to keep GA out of the air.
  4. Watch an AG pilot for a while Nev, somebody doing solid fert
  5. .I like the Alpine in the background. The cockpit section reminds me of a factory auto gyro from the States a few years ago. McCulloch?
  6. I disagree nev, if you put them on the spot you want then buggar all distance difference. There is very little difference in speed between tailwheel just above the surface and touching. People flying tailwheel aircraft for a living usually tailwheel low landing, generally try to spare the tailwheel. One reason for a full three point landing would be if you were VERY limited in your landing distance. Not as if runway distance is limited in most cases.
  7. Flew down final into Jakarta in a Lion Air 737, the aircraft was banking 45 degrees either way. All the way down final, that late I thought it was going to scrape a wingtip. I refused to fly Lion Air after that so I travelled Sriwijaya Air!!!!!!! The flight crew start smoking as soon as they sit down, you can smell it throughout the flight and while they taxi in.
  8. Why do most threads these days turn into PP?
  9. Indo maintenance.......................................
  10. Me too, always been made about the Porters since I saw one in the late 60's I think it was. It was the Snowy one. The Army sold them at knock down prices.
  11. You exaggerate Captain Gaz, only approaching 25 in my log book!
  12. I think I have done maybe 10 good landings. By good landings I mean one where the wheels just start spinning up and you can't feel the aircraft contact the runway. Aircraft also has to be on the centreline and touchdown in the perfect spot where you just roll through to the taxiway without excessive braking. Every time I land I try to do better.
  13. "Some plane" Plane
  14. Always liked the Jodel's
  15. Doesn't mean much in Indo, maintenance records are as fictional as their pilots experience.
  16. Doing an odd job, looks like a quiet summer
  17. Some aircraft are approved for sideslips
  18. Accountant, Freddy's machine
  19. Don't start the debate about using flaps in a sideslip Nev 😁
  20. You have an undercover swimming pool in your house? I met Chucky when he came out to Oz a few years ago, he was a "different" fellow, his wife Victoria seemed nice.
  21. You watch too much Youtuba Captain 😁
  22. I thought the idea was to fly balanced?
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