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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. All good advice, I doubt anybody teaches sideslips anymore.
  2. Keep it tracking straight down the runway seems to work best, if it veers use rudder to get it back in the middle. Tailwheel, nosewheel works with either.
  3. This stuff hurts my head.......................I don't understand the theory, does that make me a bad pilot? I know if you get too slow you get in trouble, I know how to turn low and slow is that enough? Protons and neutrons have approximately the same mass, about 1.67 × 10-24 grams, which scientists define as one atomic mass unit (amu) or one Dalton, Positively charged subatomic particle forming part of the nucleus of an atom and determining the atomic number of an element. It weighs 1 amu. Discuss....................
  4. What happened to the Replica you talk of Nev? Last I heard it was stored. The fellows that were flying it when the wheel fell off should have been given a kick up the arse. They held the wing as high as they could after it touched down on the remaining mainwheel. When the wing stalled it fell heavily and broke the spar. That machine would have landed about 45 knots, if they'd have let it down gently they mightn't have even taken any paint off!!
  5. I'll leave it to you then Turbo to ask "clear and concise reasonable questions" to CASA. I have never "Sprayed" questions to the CASA PR department. If I've had questions (concise AND reasonable) they have always been directed to the relevant person. 40 years working as a commercial pilot and half of that time running an aviation business, I've had enough of Casa and have as little to do with them as I can.
  6. The old film of Fokker Triplanes taking off shows them airborne in about 50 metres
  7. And you expect a clear concise answer from CASA? Things must have changed if somebody in CASA will give you answer to a question, they will just refer you to legislation or onto somebody else.
  8. I must admit I've only been through there a dozen times or so, every time without exception they have made it hard, delayed and at one stage made me hold just north of Newcastle for 40 minutes till an inbound jet had landed. I don't travel that area now.
  9. Victor one a good quick way around Sydney but having to try and get through Williamtown buggars that up. Go west young man
  10. 150 is one of the nicest aircraft to fly. I enjoy flying for flying sake to "slip the surly bonds of earth" whether that's in an 802 or a 150, it's all flying. Sometimes it can be a snobby thing, because people learned to fly in a 150 as a student pilot they think it's beneath them to fly one again.
  11. I find it best to just land the aircraft..............
  12. Be interesting with an uninsured aircraft what the compensation would be for crop damage removing the wreck.
  13. What about the Coriolis force? 😁
  14. You would have thought the denser air in the colder spot would have more push?
  15. I am not recommending this but I have heard of people doing it. Shutting the engine down in flight, stopping the prop. The glide is totally different (So they tell me) to the engine idling or "Simulated no thrust". The glide is usually longer, controls feel completely different. The prop takes a lot more stopping than what you would think. When I was training in the olden days the instructor (Ex British Army rotary and fixed wing) did air starts. He made me do a couple in 150 and 172. I have seen it done from very high up to landing, the engine was then warmed up to taxi back. I have seen it done so the aircraft rolls up to the tiedowns.
  16. I'm envious................
  17. During training we should explore all facets of flight. Once you get into a particular aircraft you should know what it does, how it handles various conditions of flight. I agree with OME on his first post. An aircraft with a stopped prop glides a lot differently to one at idle, it helps to know your aircraft.
  18. To the original question.......................................yes
  19. He must watch a lot of netflix with all those TV screens 😁
  20. Nev, you have a choice with a forced landing between (All things being equal) water or timber. Where do you go?
  21. I have always planned direct no matter what the country. If the choice is water or timber I always fly over the timber. All single engine aircraft, piston or turbine.
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