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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Used to be one of those Darter Commanders in Bankstown many years ago.
  2. Doesn't mean a lot, personal experience tells me people can shoot and hit aircraft with absolutely no consequences. CASA at local and Canberra level and police were not interested and took no action. If the police aren't interested in attempted murder in an aircraft then why would they worry about toys being shot out of the sky?
  3. Yes there is regulation in place, it is ignored. An example is most chemicals are labelled at 30 litres to the hectare going up to 50 litres to the hectare. At the lighter rate of 30l your quoted 14Ha an hour would need to have lifted 420 litres in that hour. Yes they can be used in very small areas. As for general use, typical advertising hype.
  4. So is lots of stuff that is illegal, doesn't mean people don't do it. An example is spraying of chemicals with drones. They use chemicals off label with total volume rates a tiny percentage of labelled rates. If an aerial operator was to do the same thing with normal aircraft they would be litigated out of business with the various State EPA's. Because it's somehow considered "green" to use drones it's ok to do things illegally.
  5. The first video, 100'000 plants a day with one drone? What capacity seed hopper? What weight per seed? As with most of these drone promotions pretty fanciful. I am not against UAV's, just the bullsh!t they peddle. There are some very able UAV's and countries that utilise them to their full potential, most I have seen in Australia are hobbyists or gov bodies who were sold a flawed concept and spend way too much for what they get. The Turkish Bayraktar is an example of a capable multi role UAV.
  6. A very young pilot in a larger sophisticated machine, he wouldn't have much experience at that age.
  7. Henry Hudson still own it?
  8. Shadow seems a strong design, one flew from England to Oz quite a few years ago?
  9. How much for a delivery drone? 5 k? As long as people are prepared to pay for their own fuel, wear out their own car/motorcycle/pushbike for as little as $10 a delivery you would wonder how such a drone delivery model could compete with the current lot of cash economy slaves. Seems a crazy business model to me, looks the same as drones being pushed for everything from medicine delivery to driverless taxies, not very practical. What happened to the Canberra trail?
  10. Me, if it hasn't got steam driven gauges I'm not interested. I think most charities are genuine in their efforts. But where have they have grossly overpaid CEO's and top heavy business models most of the donations go to the cost of running rather than the intended cause.
  11. Wasn't the Quicksilver just two axis? The GT had a yoke type control with teflex cables for controls, made for pretty ordinary feedback. As Nev suggested, go Thruster. The single seat Thruster is a great machine with a control feel similar to a Tiger Moth.
  12. When the police say "No suspicious circumstances" usually means self inflicted.
  13. Guidos old machine or ex Toowoomba? Stearman a nice sedate flying machine
  14. Guidos or from Towoombaold machine?
  15. Ask most of them who have had much to do with casa and they will tell you what bastards they are.....
  16. If you had been involved with casa in such a capacity then you would know what a bunch of bastards they are to deal with. They condone some companies flagrant misuse/abuse and obvious disregard of regulations and rules while pedantically persecuting others. Why are you such a casa sycophant? Smacks of self interest or trolling?
  17. If did you would know what CASA are like to deal with
  18. I take it that's a no then about ever having an AOC?
  19. Read the Glenn Buckley thread on prune. What's your honest opinion on CASA's actions? Have you ever held or do you hold an AOC?
  20. The system will never work properly again...........CASA is making flying safer by making aviating harder. The more costly and complicated, the happier they are.
  21. GA has lost its sheen. You can call being truthful and passing on your negative experiences "running it down" but it's just really passing on how the degradation of GA affects us. Most of those who used to fly just cannot afford it anymore, driven out by over regulation, over zealous regulator, greedy airport owners/councils/operators, compounding costs of maintenance/liability and hull insurance/fuel and cost of aircraft. Turbo, you can talk it up all you like but the reality is different to all the statistics you quote.
  22. What What you refer to is a point for much disgruntlement, it's entirely the BOMs and the Labour government's fault for storms, too much rain, not enough rain, too hot, too cold along with there should be more coal fired power stations, no wind turbines, rainbow flags, trans people, cat litter trays in school toilets and how Abbot should still be prime minister. Gives much joy, endless conversation to the enlightened elite. 🤪
  23. Time for the bottom feeders to get involved then 😜 They will be able to "seek compensation" for wrongful predictions. Either the storms didn't arrive or they were early/late......It's the same as farmers blaming BOM for declaring an El Nino, weather varies, farmers know that.
  24. There were radio transmissions, it's been mentioned on prune control questioned the pilot about pressurisation. The pilot referred to oxygen rather than pressurisation, he was a very experienced ex military pilot used to pressurisation, it was thought an unusual comment.
  25. Was just watching a couple of Wedge-tails, both circling anti clockwise. I'm gong to be highly controversial here and say maybe most thermals and not all air movement rotates? A thermal is a bubble of air moving up, why is it rotating?
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