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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. At 30+ million a piece? 6000 litres is the max load. That's 2 X 802's and at 3 million for a new 802. There are something like 60 X 802's on fires in Oz, all privately owned.
  2. Looks to have literally dropped out of the sky, the wooden machines go to kindling when a hit
  3. Yes, it all seems to have got into a urinating contest about who knows the most about stuff. Don't know about yoo flying dog but I just like to fly, keep straight most of the time to get where I want to.
  4. Cochraine? Has to be a Lockheed?
  5. I think the aircraft in England are originally powered, the yanks put twin row Wrights in them
  6. Always used to leave that one off if a DCA/DOT/CASA inspection was due. They used to fuss around and make a big thing of it saying it was essential for aircraft operation. One chap gave me a big lecture about how I should take more care. The aircraft was facing 230 the compass was indicating 330, he noticed the compass deviation card wasn't here but didn't look at the compass ? I admit I neglected to point it out to him. He snagged me and sent out a list of things he said needed attention. One of which he claimed was a cracked exhaust, I knew it wasn't. After taking it off inspecting and using dye penetrant there were no cracks, another $300 spent.
  7. Looks like when he went inverted he pulled back and it flicked, he kept pressure on with full back stick it continued to rotate till it hit the ground
  8. No idea how many hours in each, I liked both aircraft. Engine issues were from people not knowing how to operate a geared engine. Cardinals were good performers, full flying tail was different but not as much difference as say a T tail on a Duchess, everybody likes the Duchess even though the T tail was insensitive and lacked feel. They liked it because it was a T tail like on big aircraft. How many hours have you on both types Flightrite?
  9. They would have to be small adults in a Maule
  10. 175 and 177 were good aircraft. 175 good performer off the ground, the engine had a bad reputation from those who didn't know how to operate it. 177 were good performers for what they were and lots of room.
  11. What's the landing fee $30? If you land out and have to hire of borrow a car, you'll pay double that
  12. What's wrong with Gilgi or Armidale? Why the requirement for a private airfield?
  13. Why the requirement of over 800 metres? There are a few but some distance from Armidale (30 to 50 ks by road). Most of the Ag strips are unused these days and fallen into disrepair. Tony Galls at Wilsons crk the south side of Uralla and Taylors strip at Kentucky a bit further south again are the only ones that come to mind. Is Armidale charging that much now for landing fees That you have to fly out of somewhere else?
  14. Beavers in Oz usually don't have heaters, just straight out pipe.
  15. Typical eastern block country, I looked up Austers version of an Ag aircraft Auster Agricola - Wikipedia Looks very similar design to the Zlin, the Chek's took an outdated 50's design and decided to make in the 80's I think. With the Walter engine I think they were rated at a ton load.
  16. Zlin T37, they originally built them with a radial. Looks to be a copy of an Auster Agricoler, There were a couple of the turbines in Unzud. They had a Walter turbine.
  17. Found RAAF mostly friendly, Willy and Amberly can be hard to get on with. Held at Newcastle quite a few times over the heads in strong westerlies, if they have anything inbound (Airline or military) they won't let you anywhere near the place. Sydney has Victor one where you can fly right beside one of Australia's busiest airports, at Williamtown they won't let you anywhere near them with very little traffic.
  18. Unbelievable for any Australian to see such interaction between ATC and lighties. In Oz it's stay away we don't want you here at any control zone.
  19. Minister is Michael McCormack, good luck with that.
  20. Straight tail 182 good machine. I wouldn't worry about converting it to tailwheel, will cost you a lot of dollars (25K+) even if you get cheap parts. A 180 is no more capable than a 182 except for an extremely rough airstrip. I worked out of Latrobe a bit summer before last on fires, busy place that doesn't seem to have changed much in 40 years.
  21. I don't know how you can convince those of us who have had BAD experiences with CASA to start trusting them.
  22. Should be like the States and have uncontrolled over major airfields, all the traffic is approaching or taking off so at a lot lower level than 18,0000.
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