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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Gotta be a Spad, cockpit looks a bit far back, no exhaust pipes down the fuse, but that's what I'll go with.
  2. Shood be called a Deco cruiser, pretty machine.
  3. Dooly, long trip. Plenty of time to take in the scenery.
  4. Here's another from the same museum, it was in Moosjaw, Saskatchewan. I have no idea what it is, obviously a glider.
  5. It's a Funk, not sure what model. It was in the same museum as the others.
  6. Stolp SA-900 V-Star
  7. Sounds like a 2 stroke, crankcase looks like a Rotax. What sort of car engine, Trabant? I did click on the link but not being a bookface person I couldn't access it.
  8. Checklist...........engine running-keep flying..........engine stop-land
  9. Maule looks similar, what was it attached to?
  10. Yep, Fairchild Cornell Canadians call theirs. Delay with the Quebec contract, going tomorrow hopefully.
  11. That a Truster emergency checklist?
  12. No takers....................Aeronca K, looks like a Chief, main difference is undercarriage. Try another
  13. Correct here's nuther, pick the theme
  14. F+W C-3605 I always thought these were a Pilatus till I looked it up.
  15. None flying here now, last one ditched I recon. RAAF did use them fro Woomera? They used a couple for topdressing trials, didn't go well so they were used as freighters. Lionel Van Pragg had a bit to do with them, he mebe pranged one on freight. I had an uncle who was with the RAAF in Korea, he flew Bristol Frightners somewhere in his flying career, not sure if was with the airforce or later on freight.
  16. I have friends flying with airlines who usually pay more tax than I gross. I would not swap jobs, I could think of nothing worse than driving a flying bus full of cut price travellers. In 40 years flying Ag for a living I wouldn't have swapped it for any job.
  17. Snoopy, you'd probably have no trouble now with a bit of flying under your belt.
  18. When I was at school in the early 70's the vocational guidance person asked what I wanted to do, I said pilot. He looked over his glasses at me then at my school record and said "You would be better being a laborer, digging ditches is for you". Left school at 16 and went on to do 5 years panel beating but the urge to fly became too much. Went through from first lesson to commercial and AG rating in 18 months. I might not be too bright but the folks in vocational guidance at the time didn't take into account on how much effort you will put in if it's something you want more than anything. If you really want something you will put in the effort.
  19. An airline job has never been my dream job, I went Ag flying because I like to fly. I have friends who went airlines, only 2 I know are still with their original wives. Airline flying will not be back to anything like it was for years, if ever. The reality of airline flying is brutal, constant checks, flying mostly at night (international) and absolutely no respect from those running the airlines. Now nobody has much of an idea when airline jobs will start, airlines will be asking pilots to halve their wages to get a job back.
  20. Chopper pilots have to have one in bothhands ? Stick feels more natural but if your flying who cares, stick or yolk, left, right or centre.
  21. One of those starred in a movie about firebombers, Allways I think it was called.
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