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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. ?
  2. Looks Pazmany but not
  3. If they are anywhere near a CTAF Bombers will communicate their intentions, if there is no confliction they will get on with their business. Fire CTAFs are on a different frequency and normal fire opps are low level except with a major fire where 6 or 8 aircraft may be stacked at different levels. A major fire would have lots of smoke or a pyrocumulus as a warning for private aircraft to stay away. If fire aircraft are working from a town airstrip they will use the allotted frequency as normal aviation practice, they may however arrive and depart with non standard proceedures working in and communicating with local traffic.
  4. Variation of Stolp Starduster
  5. Australia currently has enough contracted aircraft without using untrained military. Backburning is good, if done correctly and weather cooperation. Last few years there has been very small windows of optimum times to hazard reduce. It's been too wet to burn then after a couple of days of hot weather it's too dry, States now have don't anywhere near enough manpower on the ground with Parks/DELWP to do anything like meaningful reduction. Depots that used to employ 50 full time staff now have 3. CFA average age would be in the region of at least 55? With paperwork outweighing productive time by 2 to 1 and more people actually leaving, it's only going to get worse. On bad days all the planning and preparations are not going to be enough, look at Black Saturday fires, there were something 200 fires in Victoria from SA to the NSW border. Embers were spotting 40 K's away. You do what you can and get on with it.
  6. Normally work on a fire CTAF plus RFS/CFA radio plus monitor 126.7 or local CTAF if working close. Usually turn 126.7 down because most airfields have this as a CTAF, enough to listen to with FCTAF and Fire radios without listening to every aircraft with 150 miles making a call every leg of the circuit.
  7. Must be a pretty strong onshore wind with that beach take off
  8. https://www.airforce.gov.au/news-and-events/news/australian-defence-force-supports-fire-fighting-efforts-nsw-and-qld Military are participating
  9. You are mistaken Split S, firebombing aircraft were used on black Saturday, they were ground for an hour but after a wind change they were back at it again. Hundreds of fires from the west of Hamilton and Horsham through to Mallacoota and North to the high country. There were that many fires that no amount of ground crews could get around them. Of the fires I have seen first hand in the last week ground crews could only reach a couple and there were restrictions because of terrain, aircraft were used to work with ground crews containing fire edges. A couple of years ago there were bad overnight fires in the Hamilton area on St Pats day, caused by powerlines blown over. The fire front was that big and extended there was no way ground crews could get to half let alone all the fires. There are times when aircraft work well, everything from a Jet Ranger with a bucket through to a DC 10 have a task when used to their advantages. That article you quote is American, a totally different perspective when it comes to resources. What would you suggest to do with wildfires in remote country with scattered populations? Leave them burn?
  10. I wonder how many pages (of legal speak with no clear definition) are added to the regs each year?
  11. Version of Cavalier?
  12. You climate deniers/Lib/Trumpf voters are never going to convert people that believe we have to do something. Yes Australia is a small fish compared to some, it has been commented on that if all the smaller countries started some action then those totals add up to the same as India. As an induividual nation not much but with others doing their bit as well we can contribute to action.
  13. That's just a sideslip, that's what they were known as in the olden days. I did read description in the wikithang, news to me. The half a dozen instructors I've flown with just called them sideslips, that was a few years ago though.
  14. Don't know what a forward slip is, it's just a side slip either side. All very easy to criticise, sitting in it is a different thing to keyboard commentating.
  15. Similar concept to Scotty Wintons machine. Flying wings never seem to catch on except where money is no object such as military B2
  16. DC10 arrived Sydney this morning, at 45,000 litres it's 3 times the load of any of the large tankers in Oz
  17. Our Prime Minister along with his happy clapper church have been praying for rain. Maybe they aren't praying loud enough? Still many aircraft in Victoria not being used on fires in NSW and QLD
  18. To the bottom, the gloss has well and truely worn off. Pay and conditions are still going down in this country. With the recent change in work Visa's there are more foreign pilots being employed when locals are unemployed. It's not just aviation, wages have been stagnant for over 30 years, the bulk of Australians are worse off.
  19. Even if they had insurance the company providing it can say weather is an act of some God then not have to pay out...............................then say you should have read the fine print provided in the link that led to over 12,000 pages of legal speak.
  20. Because of this litigation madness the cost of living has skyrocketed with everything from just household or property third party to business indemnity insurance costing prohibitive amounts, are the only people who benefit lawyers and legal representitives?
  21. CL415 still only carry 6000 litres, that's 2 Fireboss loads, we currently have maybe 8 Fireboss in this country now operating. They are the float version of the 802, we also have vitually unlimited number (80+) of wheeld 802's available that carry 3000 litre loads of retardand or water. The wheeled 802's can operate off highways or airstrips. They are the most under utilised firefighting asset in Australia.
  22. My reply might have bin a bit fatuous. I have better things to do than trawl online for legal cases which will require the retention of a legal adviser just to try and find what is actually said in 50,000 words that could have been said in 20 words. We have reached a stage where US attorneys now envy Australia on litigation.
  23. What sort of person would sue for not receiving advice? By that logic if the driver had an accident by driving on the wrong side of the road, the person who said you can get that part on the other side of town would be liable for NOT telling the driver to stay left on the road?
  24. Seek legal redress through a class action, what a great suggestion. Call Blackman Turner Overdrive or whoever it is is advertises on TV then pay 60% of the payout so if 2000 join the class action you'll only owe $1000 each. Just what the world needs, more legal parasite action.
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