You are mistaken Split S, firebombing aircraft were used on black Saturday, they were ground for an hour but after a wind change they were back at it again. Hundreds of fires from the west of Hamilton and Horsham through to Mallacoota and North to the high country. There were that many fires that no amount of ground crews could get around them.
Of the fires I have seen first hand in the last week ground crews could only reach a couple and there were restrictions because of terrain, aircraft were used to work with ground crews containing fire edges.
A couple of years ago there were bad overnight fires in the Hamilton area on St Pats day, caused by powerlines blown over. The fire front was that big and extended there was no way ground crews could get to half let alone all the fires. There are times when aircraft work well, everything from a Jet Ranger with a bucket through to a DC 10 have a task when used to their advantages.
That article you quote is American, a totally different perspective when it comes to resources.
What would you suggest to do with wildfires in remote country with scattered populations? Leave them burn?