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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Firstly, his private life has nothing to do with anybody else. Next, I have read an article somewhere about Qantas financial history but can't find it now. Joyce did not save Qantas. The artlicle laid out how much Qantas made before Joyce, it was considerably more in less time under the previous CEO.
  2. There must be a formula for working out the average pedant numbers per forum, be higher than the average population I recon ?
  3. French Reims/Cessna originally produce the Wren? Sure there were a couple in Oz. Not a fecesbook person so can't access that.
  4. There's something like 90 Air Tractor 802's in the country plus a few high capacity Thrush's, at a guess I would say 2/3's would be on standby for fires in an Australian summer. That number might not be used, depends on the person running the fire attack plan, not all know how to utilise all in their arsenal of equipment and the capability of fixed wing fire attack.
  5. They get so bored loogin out the window they have to have TV's on the dash?
  6. Of all the regional towns to land at I found Dubbo the worst, with security being way beyond sensible.
  7. From distant memory I think the original Bearhawk was built on a Piper airframe, converted Tripacer I think. The original Maule was based on Piper Pacer airframe as well, lotsa designs so called "New" were based on existing designs. This patrol appears to be on a similar base, the fuse looks to be same width as Tri and just set up for tandem seating. Would make for a comfy 2 seater, plenny room either side of the seats but still close enough windows for a bewdy view.
  8. If you have unlimited funds then you can get the result you want through "Proper process". A couple of barristers arguing for 3 days about the definition of a single word at $10,000 a day each, fair and reasonable? The law does not catch all those who transgress.
  9. It does have some dihedral then, quite a pretty design. Never seen one before. Looking at that last image it looks to be a powered conversion of a glider.
  10. I know it's the only law we have but as you know it can be an ass. The fact still remains that those jailed (with lawyer x) for bad crimes still did those crimes, they are still bad men.
  11. Looks to have no diheadral like 165 Cessna with spar going behind pilots head.
  12. Has a Helio look toit
  13. Don't know about eastern block designs but anything made in the west in the last 50 years or so the seat design has to meet certain crash standards.
  14. So all Qantas maintenance is NOT done in Brisbane then?
  15. M61A1 and Truster88 read these https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/union-dossier-claims-multiple-faults-on-qantas-planes-serviced-overseas-20140314-34sdp.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2869524/What-s-happening-Qantas-Union-claims-national-carrier-s-outsourcing-maintenance-work-overseas-affecting-safety-Qantas-planes.html https://thewest.com.au/travel/qantas-unveils-40m-us-aircraft-maintenance-base-ng-b88369183z https://www.airlineratings.com/news/qantas-move-b717-heavy-maintenance-singapore/ These aren't considered base maintenance then?
  16. How do I access my forum settings?
  17. "Base maintenance" as opposed to service, general, annual, where are they all done?
  18. Mr Wilson, most agree the pickle fork issue is just showing how normal maintenance proceedures work and there is nothing to worry about. The standout point some are making is that the way most airlines are being run now by penny pinchers with regard to safety coming a distant blip with Airlines main priorities being 1 Increasing CEO salary 2 Increasing upper managers salaries 3 Increasing middle managers salary 4 Company yearly profit 5 How they can maintain or reduce workers wages 6 Self promotion and press blitzing 7 Maintenance, overseas in a third world country if possible
  19. ? Probably. The point I was making is that you cannot take the word of a governing body or a multi national company as good anymore. This is proven beyond doubt by the 737 Max issue. If you don't listen to those critical of some decisions then ultimately it ends in tears.
  20. Wouldn't run normal unleaded in anything, if you leave it for a few weeks carbs become clagged, the etnanol content seems to be a negative. Premium unleaded is a lot better product. If I have a choice I'd rather run avgas even though the cost is more. I have had several aircraft with mogas stc's, in summer it becomes a pain.
  21. Jonkers, don't stress just goen have a fly and enjoy it.
  22. Just like Boeing did with the 737 Max, backed it all up with engineering degrees, calculations and modelling, we all see how that went. Lion Air were still flying when they knew from the engineers to the top level managers that something was seriously wrong, they still let the aircraft fly with disastrous consequences. That's what happens when you let corrupt management do what they like with no regard to human life. The CEO of Boeing was asked several times if he was going to forgo his pay bonus because of the problems with the Max, he wouldn't answer the question, dollars are more important than anything. Keep em flying what's the worst that could happen?
  23. So they'll jail a few lower middle management execs and chastise a few head engineers then give the rest a pay rise and the CEO will retire on a record pay out, justice will be done in Merrycar.
  24. Read somewhere it happened on 4 previous flights and they managed to land. Indonesian aviation runs on corruption and nepotism not expirence, skill or quailifications, from the bottom to the top including the regulator. A pilot would not question any orders from higher up and would do what they're told. Engineers do what they are told even if that goes against manufactures recommendations on parts life or repairs, replacing critical parts with locally made or conterfeit parts. Even though smoking is not permitted in the passenger cabin you can smell the flight crew light up when they are taxying and the stench last till you deplane at destination.
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