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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Heard on the news that there were 2 pilots plus the Nascar driver and his family
  2. Very inneresting, you would think if they can pick out a separated undercarriage leg they would be able to find the substantially larger fuse using the same technology. Unless mebe the aircraft was in landing configuration and struck the water/reef losing a leg and continuing on a further................ To be honest I only half read the article and got distracted by an IQ test in the advertising border. Taking the test I feel it was a setup for click bait as I could only get an IQ of 75, at least it puts me up there with world leaders, Trumpf's IQ is around that ? Sorry to hyjack the thread Gazzafly
  3. Looking at it the rudder and fin shape are different to Luton. There must be hundreds of parasol designs looking similar to this one.
  4. My expirence with HARs was a bit negative. A HARs aircraft had broken down at a regional airfield, we flew over, landed and parked near to take a look. We approached the aircraft where 2 people were working. As we came closer one of the people said abruptly "I wouldn't get too close or you'll finish up with a spanner through the head." Now if there was a danger his warning could have been a bit more civil, we were prepared to make a donation for a closer look but with the aggressive attitude we were taken aback. I know you have to put up with all sorts of numptys around aircraft, we flew in and parked near the HARs aircraft so they would have seen we had some idea about aviation. Seemed to me a heavily government funded museum was just an "Old boys club" for selected few to play with publicly funded toys like they were their own. I might have just struck those on a bad hair day, I didn't think they promoted HARs in a good light. By comparison I have visited Temora many times and each time have been treated very well by staff with pilots, engineers and ground staff all being very helpful and courteous and only too pleased to interact with the puplic. David even mingling with the crown being open and approachable.
  5. Luton Minor, mebe one or two in Straya?
  6. The DC10 carries 40,000 litres and contrary to what some say has a good drop patern. There are tasks for aircraft of all capacities on fires, from medium helis through to VLAT's, they need to be utilised to their strengths. The Canadairs are a very interesting machine, I like the 215's because of the radials and steam driven gauges. Came across these ferrying back to the Prairies from Quebec. Got a guided tour, very interesting, also got a tour through the turbine 415 in Quebec. The instrument panel no where near as appealing to me as the 215.
  7. Nothing apart from the nearly 38 million dollars purchase price!!!!!!!! For that money you could buy around twenty 802's with a drop capacity of 60,000 litres. 10X the load of a 415. Mention was made of 802's not carting 3000 litres, with full fuel they shouldn't but after a couple of loads can carry 3000 litres. Normally work 3.5 hours for a fuel cycle.
  8. The cost of running Temora over the last 20 years would be big dollars. Say what you like about David and his family but the bloke is a passionate aviator and funded everything there. The entrance fee people paid for museum entry wouldn't have covered the taxi fuel of the aircraft. Australians had a chance to see some classic aircraft thanks to David.
  9. Part of his show routine was using beta for a vertical descent, through a mechanical failure he couldn't return prop back into fine. A turbine in beta is only going one direction, down and fast.
  10. Aircraft powered by Garret turbines have had single lever operation since the 60's
  11. I vaguely remember something about the last aircraft ditching mentioned that without power there was no functioning powered controls. There is a pop out windmill that is supposed to takeover after power plant loss but only works at higher speed. As the aircraft slowed control authority was lost hence the wing drop and aircraft breakup.
  12. I have a passion for flying and been flying low level for a living for 40 years next year, I do know what a stall is. What I was saying is that if your aware of a stall and know how to prevent one then there is no need for "Extreme" stall practice. Pushing of "Extreme" stall practice by hairy chested instructors showing students how brave they are can actually discourage students who could go on to further their flying.
  13. Yanks have to have the biggest/baddest/bestest of everything. Even if it's not ?
  14. European crops look glorious, Pom's especially. Looks like you could drive on top of them they are that dense. Sprising that the French produce more wheat than Australia.
  15. Part 61 with GA was a total waste of time for more complication and a heap of work just for compliance, no benefit. Only made things harder.
  16. Hiho LoneRanger, bit of a difference in groundspeed taking off and landing with that wind
  17. Been flying since 1978, then a submitted plan was a requirement even for private ops. When they deleted the mandatory requirement I ceased submitting plans, probably only submitted half a dozen since and that was only because it was an airspace requirement. When I fly now plans can change so I only have a rough plan, really only keep an eye on endurance and the rest takes care of itself. You can overplan with groundspeed and track checks every 10 minutes.
  18. Except Ag aircraft, survey machines, firebombers and the odd drone I've seen Mirages, Skyhawks, Hunters, F111's, and Hornets flying through at AG operating height. They were pretty switched on especially the F111's, very regular vistors 2 or 3 times a week and often a trailing pair.
  19. Survey pilots are used to heavy workload. 210's are getting pretty long in the tooth and being heavily loaded with survey equipment and severe turbulence, my guess would be structural failure, depending on equipment 206 and 210 on survey are usually loaded over gross. Survey should be flown with turbine aircraft not 40 year old worn out piston aircraft with 30,000+ hours and no aircon and cockpit temperatures of 45C+. There are some modern machinery used for survey but not the norm
  20. Just a Jodel, with some fluff on it, seems there's lots of people copying aircraft and calling them their own design. Good example is the guess this aircraft thread, many machines are copied off a recognised design and given a different name.
  21. Why the obsession with Wellcamp? Why not out Melbourne and Sydney's cartel actions?
  22. This thread a Wagner bash fest?
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