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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. That's what I was told as a sprog pilot in the olden days Nev 👍
  2. Turbo, do you (or any of your family) now work or have you ever worked for CASA?
  3. I still find ole mates videos hard to watch, my limited intelligence, bad comprehension short attention span got a bit to do with.
  4. Yes there are exceptions that are going ahead. I have traveled a bit and Mostly I see places shut down or shutting down. GA is in a steep decline and has been for the last 25 years or so. I have friends in a few different areas/states that also say that. RAA seems to be clinging on still, nowhere near the interest or aircraft there was 25 years ago. I suppose the real decline in wages and income (Compared to inflation) over that time has a big part in it. Also the changing of the want/dynamic of RAA is compounding the decline. Now an RAA aircraft cost about the same as a 182 did 25 years ago. A Rotax 912 now cost what an 0-520 used cost to overhaul 25 years ago. There are still basic cheap flying machines but seems the average price of any new machines be it composite or metal is way over $100,000. No way an average man on wages can afford to learn to fly let alone own an aircraft.
  5. A bit like the machine Will Rodgers and Wiley Post were killed in.
  6. Anybody familiar with Bob Lazar's drawings on flying machine design? Do a bit of reading on the subject, it is interesting.
  7. The price I quoted was just for the instructor, aircraft on top of that.
  8. Seems people are getting more gullible, like the rest of the conspiracy theories.
  9. Last time I saw an RAA instructor he was charging $150 an hour, I think he should have used a mask when instructing like a burglar.
  10. We won't be needing instructors and engineers soon, CASA will have made aviation safer by putting all GA/RAA out of the air.
  11. You've never had a bad patch and tried to get the dole then? Then try and buy food while paying extortionate rent. Yep those dole bludgers have the best life.........🙄
  12. I saw a webinar advertised with CASA about low flying and wirestrikes. I went for more information and the detail needed for registering is extensive and personal with no guarantee of third party use of your data. It looks like the webinar was setup with a third party NOT CASA, privatising safety now? Is this the way CASA are going for "Public" safety information? Are they like most big companies now and selling your personal information? Why can't you just log on with an ARN and view the seminar?????? They are not helping their reputation of being d!cks to deal with and not listening to the people that they are supposed to be giving guidance and support. Am I being too critical? Did my computer dyslexia cause me to misread? Lots of questions.
  13. Yes but that'll never happen to CASA, brick wall. I'm glad I'm at the end of my career, in my 45 years of flying I have never had anybody realistic to deal with. As a pilot and an operator. That includes when they had regional bases.
  14. That's the crux of it, normally stringent and unrealistic yet let one go through like the Kingair pilot if that's what happened. Did he have a current medical? Date issued? Turbo you have some GA time, what's your experience with medicals or have you just been getting a private one?
  15. ANY heart problems/operations or even a stent requires a six month pause from flying. You cannot get a medical after any of those. The new medical requires all sorts of test including stress ultrasound and heart specialist report. Surely some of you have had a reeming with the medical Canberra mob? Atrocious service. From the people I talk to the CASA medical mob are the other extreme, they will not issue medicals without all sorts of specialists reports. All costing a lot, it's not uncommon for a late fifties or over sixties pilot having to pay 2k plus to get a medical. It then goes to CASA medical department to be assessed, taking up to two months and the day before the medical Dame extension date runs out. Not unusual then for CASA to demand more checks, example being a kidney stone 30 years ago. They then require scans and a specialist report. Any other country you can go to a nominated doctor and walk out with a medical. You can do with with a bus drivers licence in Australia and go out and drive a bus with 50 people on board. A pilot who flies a single seat aircraft (fire bombing/Ag) has to have the same medical as an airline pilot carrying 300+ passengers. Anything to do with CASA is a TOTAL balls up, no wonder GA is being exterminated.
  16. Settle down you lot, take a deep breath and relax. Expecting common sense from those who control aviation is castles in the sky.
  17. Ice 😁
  18. What if the passenger was aware of all the issues and flew knowingly?
  19. Over hyped, just part of learning to fly. As FH said you keep learning every flight no matter how much flying you do.
  20. Whose actually building the western Sydney airport? Give it 20 years, it will be built out and people complaining about aircraft.
  21. 1000 k's at 300 kph 😁
  22. Always flown straight A to B except over water, I tend to skirt around large areas of water.
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