ANY heart problems/operations or even a stent requires a six month pause from flying. You cannot get a medical after any of those. The new medical requires all sorts of test including stress ultrasound and heart specialist report. Surely some of you have had a reeming with the medical Canberra mob? Atrocious service. From the people I talk to the CASA medical mob are the other extreme, they will not issue medicals without all sorts of specialists reports. All costing a lot, it's not uncommon for a late fifties or over sixties pilot having to pay 2k plus to get a medical. It then goes to CASA medical department to be assessed, taking up to two months and the day before the medical Dame extension date runs out. Not unusual then for CASA to demand more checks, example being a kidney stone 30 years ago. They then require scans and a specialist report.
Any other country you can go to a nominated doctor and walk out with a medical. You can do with with a bus drivers licence in Australia and go out and drive a bus with 50 people on board. A pilot who flies a single seat aircraft (fire bombing/Ag) has to have the same medical as an airline pilot carrying 300+ passengers.
Anything to do with CASA is a TOTAL balls up, no wonder GA is being exterminated.