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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. I can understand why that vid was made and pitched at Ag pilots. Some have done a quite a bit of flying and learned some bad habits. Some also think they know better and have worked out other ways of turning than balanced flight. Every year there are stall spin and loss of control with aerial applicators, some are getting cheaper insurance if their pilots have done a course and watched these type vids.
  2. Did they take information from early pioneers like Otto Lilienthal and the Australian Hargraves and then patent that?
  3. By using everybody else's information and research, patenting that same information as their own. Then litigating to keep others out of the air, the case against Glenn Curtis being and example.
  4. The Skyechos we have aren't connected to any avionics, completely independent of anything.
  5. I found it tedious but I have a short attention span. I think like the first one it is aimed at American (Ag) pilots who think they can turn quicker using lots of rudder and out of balance.
  6. Can't talk for other companies but ours has Skyecho and normal mode S transponder. Pilots use their own ipads which is the only visual representation of any traffic. Main tool is radio communication between pilots. There is no connection with a GPS for an indication from the ADSB. I have flown for other companies where traffic was indicated on a large screen GPS, optimum equipment.
  7. The LATs or light air tankers when loaded are close to their max operating weight and performance suffers. The VLAT that was in Oz a few years ago was carrying 40,000 litres and still well below max weight and performed very well with a full load. The operating cost was only just more than the LAT's and delivered nearly 4 times the load. LAT's say loads from 10,000 to 15,000, usually their drops are around the 10,000. My experience is the LAT's loads are delivered not heavy enough, they string the loads out and don't get enough coverage. Many times SEAT's (single engine air tankers) are called to reinforce retardant lines or to tackle where fires have burnt through lines. Never had to do that with the DC10.
  8. That's what I use and seems to work well, only problem (discussed before in this thread? I haven trawled through the previous pages) is when other aircraft don't have it. Around fires most use it and it's just one tool to have good situational awareness. I have seen mixed results with the Skyecho, some great others not. Setup variable with those or you just turn it on?
  9. Beware charities https://www.news.com.au/technology/motoring/new-cars/investigators-target-heartbreaking-car-giveaway/news-story/fbf97ad63a66795118ebfd25be404a36 I'm not saying AF is the same. Most charities have a CEO on big money with a lot of overheads, a tiny percentage of donated funds actually get to where they should. It's very hard to find lists of salaries of CEO's of charities. That could be my incompetence with a keyboard. Phone calls saying they are calling for and on behalf of a charity are scam, they can take up to 75% of your donation for handling. Charities know of and use such tactics.
  10. It's the way of CASA, there's a term some people use covers this "Always was, always will be" Another "We're from CASA and we're not happy till your not happy"
  11. I will leave it to the experts......
  12. Plugga, where is this research? Does it include all configurations of aircraft? What percentage of high wing ditchings result in fatalities? Does it include an airliner full of pax ditching in the Hudson? My comments might be off the cuff but come with a lifetime of being around aircraft and discussing this very subject with all sorts of EXPERIENCED pilots including pilots who fly rough country for a living. Feel free to correct my grammar and spelling if you feel the need.
  13. No such thing as a gentle turn over in water, you will be most likely incapacitated when the windscreen caves in. Bit hard to egress when your unconscious.
  14. The rotary pump with filter a good basic way of fueling. You can demount the stem and hose/filter for transport. Pumped an estimated 2,000,000 litres in by hand no problems.
  15. Any electronics can be be turned off, apart from movement triggered hidden camera the only solution I can see is surveillance.
  16. What sort of illegal activity? If your worried about your aircraft then maybe a trail camera triggered for movement or a security system. Is this to get landing fees? Are you a council member or law enforcement? Is there lots of after hours illegal activity?
  17. Porters can have fuel issues with the wing/ferry tanks.
  18. Has an English look to it.....
  19. I think we have as much to be feared from the US as Russia. Expecting Oz the follow their lead with actions, sanctions and policies then first in to take our markets after. Overzealous bureaucrats, incompetent regulators and entrenched "we know better than you" attitude from the powers that be seem to be more the problem than some sinister plot to take freedoms away. GA is just a shadow of it's former self, the ASIC is partly to blame along with privatisation of public airfields, councils milking/extorting, price of avgas, CASA's detrimental intrusion into every crevasse, every minor detail of aviation are all to blame for the demise of GA. All these combined have made GA out of reach to the average man. To fly GA you have to now have more than a considerable income to participate. RAA seems to be resisting the forces so far....
  20. There are asic based security checks as well as ASIO checks, why both? If it's terrorism based threats the worry then why not leave it to ASIO? They have files on all pilot licence/firearms/explosive licensed holders why duplicate the checks?
  21. There are many levels of security from local to federal, it seems none talk to each other.
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