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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. With formation flying most time is spent with your eyes outside, being so close a display of traffic on a screen is not that helpful.
  2. Possibly a 30 year old aircraft and a rotary wing one at that. There are many things that can go wrong with choppers, have you had a close look at the mechanical gadgets required? There are many things to check with a walkaround on a Hughes 300, not the lest being a heap of what look like fan belts that transfer power to the main mast.
  3. I use normal Apple maps (less clutter) with ozrunways, most of my flying is away from zones. If I'm going through or close to airspace I use a VTC.
  4. Belphor or summit like that. A 70' span biplane pure jet, what a brilliant idea! The 2 hoppers might give some problems with emptying on solids giving a few asymmetric problems. They were that confident in the design that two seats were incorporated behind the pilot for an engineer an a joyrider 😁
  5. Distinct difference the way it's commented on between an accident in Oz and overseas. An accident in Oz there's outrage if anybody makes a comment of why, how. Always indignant criticism about waiting till all the facts have been looked at and the accident investigated. Anybody who makes any comment is called an armchair expert and derided. Hands up all those with airshow, warbird, formation and American circuit procedure experience?
  6. FAA/CASA edict "We're not happy till you're not happy"
  7. You mean like in a Liberator? They also had crank driven superchargers, I think they called the turbo a power recovery turbine. The likes of the Neptune had 3 I think turbos geared directly to the crankshaft also had a gear driven supercharger.
  8. I'm sure I've seen a pic of that with Col pay at the controls off the ground?
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Pearse Seems there were folk all over the world with similar ideas
  10. Did it tell of the lengths they went to to nobble anybody else who had the audacity to try and fly a powered aircraft? Taking others information (Including Hargreaves pioneering work) and experience and patenting it as their own.
  11. The epoxy types have a rough/sharp abrasive supplied to sprinkle onto the applied epoxy. They have far superior grip.
  12. Ahh, just read the "removing" 🙄 That would depend on what sort it is? Paper glued? Epoxy sprayed?
  13. Use the epoxy based nitride ones, more expensive but you get what you pay for. The stick on sandpaper is not as abrasive and with any mud/dirt can slip badly. Also when the sandpaper type gets a bit worn and had a few cleans the edges can peel. Depending on the aircraft that can have a disastrous effect on the lower speed range handling. Believe it or not a half inch edge of wing walk sticking up can give the aircraft very bad stall manners. On tailwheel aircraft especially it's important to have stable footing.
  14. At a slow near stall speed dumping all the load does not give the performance jump you would expect, you have to look ahead and dump while the aircraft performance is still at a reasonable level. In hills/mountains at high density altitude, (which is most bad fire days) the aircraft performance is degraded severely anyway.
  15. Don't think so Nev, he'd have pulled the nose way up first. The aircraft has kept the nose down and steepened the turn to try and make the target. With a tailwind, slowing airspeed and high angle of bank it's in a dangerous position with not enough height to recover. Also a lot of flap out seems to slow the roll rate in most aircraft. At extreme angles of bank and slow airspeed the roll rate is virtually non existent.
  16. I like the way ACI has huge cockpits with veneer cupboards, they spend more time having close ups of actors showing concerned looks and 70's glasses and knowing nods than presenting facts.
  17. I disagree with the commentator that the pilot would have been using full right rudder, rudder is used to balance the turn not to make it. A long span usually needs to lead with rudder but not turn with rudder. An overshot turn is bad news, a high angle of bank worse. Overshot the turn and tried to recover by steepening the turn.
  18. The tinfoil hat seems to amplify the noise as well!!!
  19. Never been able to use earplugs of any sort. I get sore ears, tried for weeks on end but still gets sore. Best I've found is noise cancelling headset, helps immensely with radio communications.
  20. It has been said they spent several hundred thousand dollars cooking up the scheme to change what people call it. All they hve done is entrench that people will call ti the BOM. Farkum 250k!!!!!! Just because some stuckup shinybum wants it?
  21. Having a lower VNE doesn't mean they will stick to it. The Drom conversions in Oz had a low VNE anyway but didn't stop people from flying around way beyond VNE.
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