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Student Pilot

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Everything posted by Student Pilot

  1. Depends on the engine fitted, Pratts yes, Garret not as much but still yes.
  2. Otter is a good machine, designed with the 1340 radial. The turbine pulls harder and flys faster than the radial ever did, this creates problems the designers didn't allow for.
  3. They have nearly completed their goal of making GA completely safe by putting all GA aircraft out of the air so they need to move onto somewhere aviation is actually increasing numbers.....drones.
  4. They are a car engine to start with!!!
  5. Landed at Paris on Monday the cloud went onto fog, before I knew it we had landed. I complemented the Captain on the landing, he said he didn't do, it was computer. It was the smoothest landing I've felt, the wheels just stared turning.
  6. Open cockpits are a different experience, you feel to be more in tune, in contact with true flying. As long as it's not too cold!!! Thruster would be my choice for a fun aircraft, Drifter also good. Low (relatively) cost basic flying at it's best.
  7. I have had aileron and rudder flutter at different times, it is very violent and unmistakable. The aileron problem was out of weight tolerance and the rudder was rudder trim unconnected. Gets your attention.
  8. Wasting your time and money, CASA listens to nobody
  9. The main reason for shrinking airports is privatisation leading to greed
  10. At least you can go for a fly when you want, flying for the general population isn't a reality anymore in Australia.
  11. Don't like your tone there chap. I am not big noting or bragging, stating a fact I do not use a complicated flight plan, usually just a track. I am not trying to discourage flight plans or people from learning. I do see a trend for over top complicated planning, a basic plan and weather from somewhere is all that's needed. Most RAA aircraft are basic, the idea of basic flying is appealing. If I wanted to do complicated flight planning I would have flown airlines or charter, I fly because I like flying.
  12. Air Tractors mainly, right up to the 802
  13. Yes, usually the only occupant. Flights destination is fluid at times, dependant on a few things.
  14. I fly all sorts of distances, local to across large countries.
  15. Haven't done a flight plan in years, leave a flight note or make sure somebody knows where I'm going. Do all you blokes put a road plan in when you go driving? Do you use a road tracker/recorder when driving? A car could disappear on any of the main roads and not be found for weeks or longer. Do any of you check/get weather for driving?
  16. I use OZR in other countries, I use the basic Nav function. Apart from radio frequencies it has everything I need.
  17. No change in pitch with power changes?
  18. Shorts made something like similar but that one looks French with that powerplant.
  19. Flightplan? What is this plan of which you speak? 😆 I hve put probaly hlf a dozen flightplans in, I would have no idea how to go about it now
  20. Have to be a Saab
  21. As with most armchair flying people are overthinking it. Engines stops pick a spot landing into wind if you can, the lower you are the less time to overthink it.
  22. Got bored after 37 seconds. I'm sure he has a very plausible theory if I had watched it long enough. With my limited brain capacity and boredom threshold I can't watch it vey long. How does he define final? His approach in the first 37 seconds he turns onto his landing heading just before he touches down. When I'm landing short on a bush strip I fly a curved approach straightening up just before flaring.
  23. It's not a development for aviation, just commerce. The restriction of aviation continues.
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