Yes it certainly looks good. Peter estimates (hopes for) cruise speeds well over 200 knots - an earlier video seemed to show that the engine was producing over 300hp at the rev limit he has set (about 3800rpm, with a reduction drive). And it's pressurised too, so with both those turbos pumping, performance should persist way up into the flight levels, and no need for oxygen masks. I think the prototype is quite a bit heavier than it could/should be, so probably won't reach its performance potential. His plan is to put it into production, but not by him. He says some discussions/plans have happened, but they won't be revealed until after it has flown. He has quite a number of deposits for kits - a lot of the enthusiastic followers reckon it's a Cirrus-killer. Well maybe, and maybe not! Anyway, better stop this thread drift, just wanted to make you aware of it. Cheers, Steve.